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    'Don't Worry, We Can Just Print More Money' - Swedish Central Bank Ponders Even Lower NIRP

    At a press conference on Wednesday, the head of the Swedish
    Central Bank admitted that interest rates could potentially go as low as
    -1.5%, and quipped that Swedes likely wouldn’t even protest. Other
    countries implementing negative interest rate policies are producing
    lukewarm results that don’t address the root causes of currency
    devaluation. Nor do they change the bleak overall trajectory of fiat
    financial systems across the globe.

    A Dreary Forecast, But Too Lazy To Care

    Stefan Ingves, governor of the Swedish Central Bank, implied on
    Wednesday that Swedes are too comfortable to be concerned about negative
    interest rates. Citing the convenience of online banking and mobile
    payment systems, Ingves doesn’t think people will be hiding money in
    their mattresses anytime soon. This observation followed his
    confirmation that Sweden could possibly go from -0.25% all the way down
    to a -1.5% interest rate if deemed necessary.

    The Riksbank leadership takes an arguably optimistic view of things
    long term, hoping to potentially hike rates to 1% by 2021. This is
    despite a currently dreary economic climate. Yields on 10-year
    government bonds in Sweden dipped below zero the same day Ingves made
    his remarks. At the same time in Denmark, where the national interest
    rate is -0.65%, yields on all government bonds were plunging into
    negative territory in a historic, if depressing milestone.

    Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Japan are all experimenting with negative interest rate policies (NIRP)
    in bids to stimulate uniquely embattled economies. Due to an influx of
    safe haven-seeking capital, the Swiss franc has appreciated over 80%
    against the USD in the last decade. To balance this effect, the Swiss
    National Bank has interest set at -0.75%. The Bank of Japan has
    continued at -0.1% as of mid-June. NIRP is a relatively new tactic, with
    Sweden being the first to try it, cutting into negative territory just
    10 years ago.

    'Don't Worry We Can Just Print More Money' – Central Bank Prepared To Go Way Below Zero

    Effects of NIRP On Unemployment

    In Japan, where negative yielding debt accounts for almost two thirds of the global total, “Abenomics”
    has not brought much healing. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda’s
    “bazooka” stimulus of 2013 failed to live up to its target, never
    achieving the proposed 2% interest rate within two years. Prime Minister
    Shinzo Abe, who hand-selected Kuroda for the job, is now doubling back,
    telling the parliament in June:

    It’s true the BOJ has yet to hit its 2% inflation target,
    but the real purpose of having the target is, for example, to create
    jobs and achieve full employment.

    While it’s true that Japanese unemployment has fallen since 2013,
    there’s a bigger picture. Most companies are hesitant to raise wages,
    and the types of jobs worked are also not being taken into account. Nor
    is the amount of jobs any given individual works accounted for.

    For example, an employed person in Japan is defined by International
    Labor Organization standards as someone who has worked “even slightly
    for one week” in a month. A person working two or more low-wage jobs
    just to survive can then be used in these models to give an image of
    “success” and “strength” to an economy. This in spite of whatever
    debt-saddled, difficult existence might be the reality.

    'Don't Worry We Can Just Print More Money' – Central Bank Prepared To Go Way Below Zero

    Taxation and GDP in NIRP Countries

    Sweden’s personal income tax rate is currently 61.85%. Japan’s clocks
    in at 55.95%. Denmark’s, 55.80%. The Swiss pay 40%. These countries
    dominate global rankings with some of the highest taxes in the world.
    What is worth exploring is whether this high expenditure translates into
    lasting economic gains for the taxpayer.

    Socialized medicine, government grants and subsidies, and elaborate welfare programs are often marketed
    by Keynesians as means to increase the general economic wellbeing of a
    nation, and in a roundabout way, GDP. An increased GDP is then expected
    to translate to a better standard of living. According to the Obama
    White House:

    [Health care reform] would likely increase labor supply.
    Increased insurance coverage and, hence, improved health care, is likely
    to increase labor supply by reducing disability and absenteeism in the
    work place. This increase in labor supply would tend to increase GDP and
    reduce the budget deficit.

    'Don't Worry We Can Just Print More Money' – Central Bank Prepared To Go Way Below Zero

    A Growing GDP Does Not Equate to Sound Money

    Growing GDP is not surprising where interest rates are slashed,
    especially into the negatives, and where debt is the model monetary
    system. To the engineers of these NIRP economies, money can be printed
    indefinitely, so people can be taxed indefinitely. The system is said to
    be secure, and growth is said to continue because the state can simply
    “print more money.”

    In the Bitcoin whitepaper,
    Satoshi talks about financial institutions and governments debasing the
    money supply. While anyone might be able point out problems like
    unemployment, poor healthcare, or inflation, understanding the root
    causes of currency devaluation is critical.

    'Don't Worry We Can Just Print More Money' – Central Bank Prepared To Go Way Below Zero

    There Is A Limit to Reckless Financial Policy

    Money is a symbol of value, so it follows
    that there must be something of value behind it. In and of itself, even
    gold’s value is subjective. It has value because of what it can do for
    the holder; what resources or conditions it has the potential to secure.
    These resources and conditions—concrete or abstract—are scarce, and
    require scarce commodities like time and labor to achieve. At base, the
    old maxim “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too” applies.

    If money can be printed indefinitely, historically new “monetary
    tools” like negative interest rates must be used to balance the
    inflationary, detached and “floating” economies. In the same way that
    play money from a board game cannot buy anything, an ever-ticking world
    debt clock is not going to be fixed simply by printing more pieces of

    Ingves’ refusal to switch to sound—if temporarily painful—financial
    policy can only result in a self-inflicted collision with an economic
    brick wall. There is a real limit to the number of apples on a given
    tree in a given season. Bitcoin and other economically sound conceptions
    of money model themselves after this principle. The play money of
    banksters is simply disconnected from this reality.

    What are your thoughts on NIRP and Ingves’ remarks? Let us know in the comments section below.

    OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed
    article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.
    Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy
    or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due
    diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com
    is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss
    caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or
    reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.

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