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    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    Venezuela is being crushed by staggering hyperinflation as a
    sharply divisive political crisis has the economy in ruins. Some are
    seeking refuge in alternatives to the national currency, like foreign
    fiat and crypto. The situation also calls into question the long-term
    trajectories of other, less volatile economies. National banks globally
    have been consistently struggling to balance fiat value against interest
    rate policy now for decades.

    Soaring Inflation in Venezuela

    Hyperinflation in Venezuela has been projected by the IMF to reach 10,000,000% some time this year. The Venezuelan AN (Finance Committee of the National Assembly) puts the final inflation rate for 2018 at 1,698,488.2%. According to recent statistics,
    that number has since fallen below 1,000,000%, but the reasons for this
    are unclear, and the numbers are being called into question.

    While data from different government agencies and economic research
    groups vary, what is agreed upon is that the Venezuelan bolivar (VEF)
    has been rendered almost worthless. With the divided Venezuelan government
    in shambles, an economic crisis has emerged where consistent and
    reliable data is not easy to come by. And more importantly, where basic
    survival has become a challenge for large numbers of individuals living
    in the country.

    Venezuelan Government Reports Questionable Trends

    Recent inflation data,
    released for the first time in three years by the Venezuelan Central
    Bank (BCV) itself, indicates positive trends of month-to-month decreased
    inflation and CPI.

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    While the BCV report presents a somewhat positive outlook, others disagree. According to venezuelanalysis.com, the situation is not bright or favorable at all:

    This is something we’ve been stressing: the essence of
    the anti-inflationary policies consists in shrinking people’s purchasing
    power as much as possible, so that they won’t buy dollars in the black
    market, – those who could afford it – thus stabilizing the exchange
    rate. But more than that, the goal is that people, in general, buy less
    of everything so that there’s less pressure on prices to go up.

    The reported statistics thus might be simply a reflection of a
    drastically shrivelled GDP, and cherry-picking research methods. At
    street level, the Venezuelan bolivar is virtually lifeless, and the
    government has already had to issue bills of strikingly large denominations to keep up.

    People are frequently paying for goods with black market USD, purchased illegally due to high demand and strong restrictions placed on official market channels. To get an idea of just how staggering the numbers are, a video by Youtube channel Livelydata (based on IMF statistics) provides an eye-opening comparative analysis.

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    Inflation in Other Countries

    Venezuela currently leads the world in national inflation, but this
    doesn’t mean that other countries remain unaffected by global trends.
    While the top 10 countries hit hardest by hyperinflation include
    Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Argentina, Iran, South Sudan, Liberia,
    Yemen, Angola and Turkey, the worldwide trend is one of declining
    purchasing power as well.

    In Sweden—ranking only 102nd globally for inflation—the value of the
    krona (SEK) dropped to a 17-year low in April, arguably due to the Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank) delaying interest rate hikes. While some isolated indicators
    and speculation point to upcoming signs of strength based on Riksbank
    interest rate policy and the manufacturing sector, the macroeconomic
    trends remain questionable.

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    In the U.S., ranking just six spots above Sweden on the IMF chart,
    the dollar does not seem to be faring much better. According to
    London-based research group Emerging Europe, the June 19 tumble
    of the USD below the 97 handle was a result of the Federal Reserve’s
    dovish policy to maintain current interest rates. The argument being
    that many global and emergent markets were hoping for a shot in the arm
    via slashed prices. It noted:

    “The dollar fell below the 97 handle on June 19, with the index falling as low as 96.57 during the day’s trading. This decline was a clear response
    to the Fed’s reiteration of their willingness to, at the very least,
    maintain interest rates at their current level. In all likelihood, those
    interest rates will be slashed to stimulate the global economy.”

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    Global Devaluation of Currencies

    Compared to other countries, Venezuela’s inflation crisis may seem
    incomparably dire. The exponential rate of economic downturn dwarfs
    analogous statistics of other economies. Analyzing trends in currency
    devaluation in Sweden and the U.S., however, results in consistent
    devaluation data as well, just at a much, much slower rate.

    From the perspective of sustained, macroeconomic movement, both the
    USD (the world’s largest reserve currency) and SEK are in a steady,
    decades-long decline. $1 in 1958 would be the equivalent of $8.86 in 2019. 100 SEK from 1958 would equal 1,284.14 SEK today.

    According to research by Deutsche Bank,
    the inflationary decline of value globally (via a median global rate)
    stretches back for centuries. It has compounded in the 20th century by a
    large-scale departure from commodities and metals-based systems, in
    favor of increasingly credit and debt-based models. Jim Reid (of the
    same group) writes:

    As the twentieth century progressed, pressure against
    precious metal currency systems rose, and many countries periodically
    suspended their memberships and loosened policy. Inflation ensued.

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up

    Venezuelans Turn to Bitcoin, But There Are Real Challenges

    Attempting to weather the crash, some Venezuelans are using
    cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Venezuelan economist Carlos Hernández claims that although conversion can be difficult due to state restrictions:

    …you could say that cryptocurrencies have saved our family. I now cover our household’s expenses on my own.

    Others don’t see crypto helping in a significant way.

    “There are no official statistics of how many crypto wallets there
    are in Venezuela. There’s no way to know how many each person owns. What
    … is very clear is that beyond a couple of businesses that accept this
    form of payment and a few trusted exchange platforms online, there are
    no services for crypto users available in the country.” This is the view of Diana Aguilar, who only recently left the country in the midst of its collapse.

    Bitcoin and Black Market Fiat: Hyperinflation Crushes Venezuela as Global Devaluation Ramps Up
    Caracas, Venezuela

    Hernández had been using the popular peer-to-peer trading website localbitcoins.com to facilitate domestic bank transfers. Statistics from the site detail a marked increase in exchange volume for the VEF/BTC
    pair beginning around 2018. Though opinions on what the best solution
    is differ, the bolivar has now become a real economic liability for

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