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    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    A recent letter from the U.S. House of Representatives to
    social media giant Facebook has crypto users speculating feverishly. The
    implications of the letter, and Calibra CEO David Marcus’ recent
    response, will inform the future of money not only in America,

    worldwide. House Chairwoman Maxine Waters and cohorts took aim this week
    not only at Facebook’s Libra coin, but also at the banking practices of
    Switzerland where the Libra Association is located. Some say Facebook
    will kill the U.S. dollar. Others say Libra will fail. Still others
    suspect higher level geopolitical engineering behind the scenes.
    Regardless, what is at stake is huge, and Switzerland is onto something
    that always engenders freedom: decentralization.

    An Ominous Message

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Failure to cease implementation [of Libra] … risks a new Swiss-based financial system that is too big to fail.

    The United States government has issued a letter to social media
    giant Facebook, asking it to put a moratorium on its upcoming
    cryptocurrency and wallet, Libra
    and Calibra, respectively. Dated July 2, 2019, the letter from the
    House Committee on Financial Services to Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl
    Sandberg (COO), and David Marcus (Calibra CEO), states in part:

    It appears that these products may lend themselves to an
    entirely new global financial system that is based out of Switzerland
    and intended to rival U.S. monetary policy and the dollar. This raises
    serious privacy, trading, national security, and monetary policy
    concerns for … the broader global economy.

    It looks like U.S. government financial interests have something
    against competition, and in particular competition from a social media
    company working on a project in Switzerland. If the whole thing seems a
    little strange, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Donald Trump is best
    buddies with Kim Jong Un, Iran is mining bitcoins in mosques, and quantum physicists are telling us this is all a simulation. But sim or not, something remarkable is definitely afoot.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Who Is the Libra Association?

    With Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Uber, Lyft, Spotify and 21 other companies already onboard, the Libra Association
    is no small beans. Such players being involved constitutes a
    multi-billion-dollar corporate juggernaut. The seemingly alarmed tone of
    the letter from Congress raises some questions.

    Huge entities in the financial world do communicate with one another.
    Companies like Visa, Mastercard and Paypal are very much embedded in
    centralized, regulatory banking and political lobbying. It’s all a part
    of the game for any major business in the field. But things might not be
    so cut and dried, after all. The release of this ominous House warning
    hints at an element of decentralized chaos having crept into the system.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Switzerland: A Threat to Global Financial Security?

    Switzerland has arguably been the country that has most helped hold
    together global financial security over recent centuries. In a world of
    statist violence and coercion-based economic systems—which does also
    include the Swiss government—this isn’t saying much, but it’s noteworthy

    The Libra Association is based in Geneva, and one of the most
    interesting aspects of the creepy message from Congress is the fact that
    narrowed focus is given specifically to Switzerland. Focus on yet
    another specific country as the new enemy to the dollar. Libra is a
    potential threat to world security and is “intended to rival U.S.
    monetary policy and the dollar.” It is a threat to “global financial

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    But wait a second. Isn’t the U.S. government the group that has
    consistently, persistently, and systematically been a threat to the
    dollar? To itself? Isn’t it the U.S. military machine that has
    systematically plunged economy after foreign economy into the abyss of
    wartime destruction?

    Departure from the gold standard, constantly inflating the currency
    to finance endless war and creating massive credit bubbles all takes its
    toll. It seems like the Facebook crew should perhaps be writing a
    letter to the Feds telling them to look in the mirror and to stop
    threatening “global financial stability” themselves.

    How the US Handles ‘Threats’

    The relatively recent U.S. military intervention in Libya and Iraq
    are illustrative of something critical. Current saber-rattling politics
    in the media about Iran are as well. These events all have a strange
    commonality. They involve nations or political leaders who have already,
    or are currently attempting to, abandon the U.S. dollar as a world
    reserve currency.

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was planning an abandonment of the USD
    in favor of the gold-backed Dinar before being killed by U.S. and
    NATO-backed forces in 2011. Iraq announced it would dump the dollar in
    2000. Soon after, that same country would be ravished by a unilaterally
    launched and seemingly endless U.S. military rampage in the desert. Just
    last month, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, called for countries to stop using the USD as well:

    America’s power rests on the dollar; a great part of
    America’s economic power will go away if countries eliminate the dollar
    from their economic systems.

    Calling this all mere coincidence seems naive at best.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization
    The Swiss parliament building in Bern

    Decentralized Swiss Government

    Officially, Switzerland is a semi-direct democratic federal republic.
    This is a long, tedious string of words which could be more simply
    translated as: more decentralized than many other governments. In
    Switzerland, a Federal Assembly, the top legislative body, is divided
    into two groups called the National Council and Council of States
    (cantons). Another body called the Federal Council holds executive power
    and is composed of seven members, sharing power.

    What’s really intriguing is that Switzerland’s constitution can be
    changed via referendum, and that any single citizen can challenge new
    legislation just by gathering signatures. 50,000, to be exact. If this
    amount of signatures is reached, a vote is scheduled and acceptance or
    rejection of a particular law is decided. In other words, though still a
    very centralized and coercion-based system, the Swiss model is more
    direct, open, and decentralized than comparable others, particularly
    those in the U.S.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    The Cutting Edge: Watches, Particle Accelerators and Swiss Banks

    This relative governmental decentralization may be the reason Geneva,
    and Switzerland as a whole, are such hubs for innovation, scientific
    progress, and quality craftsmanship. Not to mention a banking legacy
    unparalleled by that of any other nation. This high-caliber hub of world business
    and finance has been enough to bring both the Swiss state—and
    Facebook’s Libra project—under fire from U.S. geopolitical economic

    Back in March 2016, Barack Obama gave a speech at the South by
    Southwest (SXSW) festival where he mentioned problems he saw regarding
    emergent cryptographic technologies:

    Because if, in fact, you can’t crack that at all,
    government can’t get in, then everybody is walking around with a Swiss
    Bank account in their pocket.

    The sentiment of many in the crypto space at the time was “Yeah,
    that’s the whole point!” It’s interesting that of all the banks in the
    world, the ones now coming under fire from Congress are some of the most
    private and secure. This really seems to irritate politicians and

    A Brief History of Banking in the Alps

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Banking is emblematic of Switzerland. Since the early 1700s, Swiss
    banks have stashed gold in underground bunkers for wealthy foreign
    powers and established business interests alike. Using their officially
    declared neutrality, Switzerland’s banks have supposedly protected
    everything from Jewish assets to Nazi gold.

    As competition with large banks in London, Paris, and Berlin was
    virtually impossible in the early 20th century, Swiss banks began to
    advertise themselves as tax havens for anyone who needed privacy. In
    fact, this has been a conscious, strategic move according to some. Swiss
    historian Sébastien Guex notes:

    This is what the Swiss bourgeoisie are thinking: ‘That’s
    our future. We will play on the contradictions between the European
    powers and, protected by the shield of our neutrality, our arm will be
    industry and finance.’

    Privacy Under Attack

    Like Bitcoin and Libra, Swiss banks have come under attack by
    regulators and foreign interests repeatedly throughout history. Even
    during World War II, when many thought privacy ought to be sacrificed
    for international security, Swiss banking institutions kept their lips
    sealed. It’s not only an official criminal offense to leak client
    information in Switzerland, it’s something of a legendary—if sometimes
    mythologized—unspoken oath.

    Obama’s comments about cryptography hearken back to an important
    reality. Namely, that privacy in Swiss banking has been, and continues
    to be, utilized for both ethical and unethical reasons. Just like
    bitcoin. Just like any other tool.

    This does not however, justify ripping away the privacy of any
    individual just because they could potentially do something unsavory
    with said tool. Unlike London, Switzerland does not have an age
    requirement to purchase a butter knife. Unless the U.S. is to end up in a
    similarly infantile state, more privacy and decentralization of
    governance will be necessary.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Decentralization: A Model for Progress Everywhere

    U.S. interests and quasi-private businesses in Geneva are locking
    horns. What happens next is anybody’s guess, and the global market seems
    to be watching and waiting as well. Grabbing some popcorn, sitting
    back, and watching two behemoth—probably both equally
    sociopathic—entities duke it out on the world stage is going to be fun.
    Especially for those in crypto and libertarian circles. Fun, but
    simultaneously very unsettling.

    Switzerland, for all its good, is no harmless kitten either. Also in
    Switzerland there is a government, which is a violent, centralized mob
    rule, blood money machine – like any other. Aiding Nazis, propagandizing
    themselves as heroes by also ostensibly aiding persecuted Jews, and
    presenting an image of peaceful neutrality the whole time is no real
    reason to brag. But that’s not what matters.

    What matters here is the proof of concept. Decentralization works,
    regardless of the intent of this or that market actor, government, or
    government body. Regardless of the nature of the user of the tool.
    Privacy works. Innovation is spurred, money retains greater soundness
    and value, and quality of life is improved.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Educating the Next Generation of Crypto Lovers

    There is an extremely valuable takeaway from all of this. If relative
    decentralization of power differentials can result in such great banks,
    watches, cyber technology, and progress for Switzerland, maybe full
    decentralization and full freedom could do even more.

    Would it be like that recent Citystate game video
    uploaded to Youtube? Where the user sets all state regulation and taxes
    to virtually zero, and a mega-metropolis laissez-faire wet dream
    emerges? It may be that greater decentralization could open the door to
    innovation and progress so out of this world, it would be hard to even
    conceive, at least now, in this current paradigm.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    The Economic Simulation Continues

    Since the release of the controversial government letter, Calibra CEO David Marcus has issued a note on Facebook, apparently in response, saying:

    This is why we believe in and are committed to a
    collaborative process with regulators, central banks, and lawmakers … At
    the core, we believe that a network that helps move more cash
    transactions — where a lot of illicit activities happen — to a digital
    network that features regulated on and off ramps with proper
    know-your-customer (KYC) practices, combined with the ability for law
    enforcement and regulators to conduct their own analysis of on-chain
    activity, will be a big opportunity to increase the efficacy of
    financial crimes monitoring and enforcement.

    More surveillance. More control. Less privacy. This doesn’t sound
    like anything the U.S. federal government should have a problem with.
    The cat and mouse game being witnessed with Facebook and the U.S.
    government is interesting in part for this reason. As with the President
    of the United States of America himself actually Tweeting “BORING!”
    during the recent Democratic debates, things just seem to get weirder
    and weirder.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    The Move Toward a Cashless Society

    It could be that there is a sort of predictive programming playing
    out here. Potentially for the introduction of a worldwide, cashless
    reality. It’s something that’s been talked about by elite banking
    interests for a long time now, and Hegelian dialectical strategies have
    often been used to achieve various political ends. Take the Gulf of
    Tonkin incident and Vietnam, for example. Or the tragedy of 9/11 being
    used to justify military intervention in a country totally unrelated to
    the incident, Iraq.

    Maybe a traditional thesis, antithesis, and synthesis has been
    created. Zuckerberg challenges Fed (thesis). Fed pushes back
    (antithesis). Fed and Zuckerberg then work together and make a happy
    compromise (synthesis). To explore this fully now, however, would take
    things too far afield.

    Perhaps sufficient enough is this 1998 excerpt from The Economist, a magazine owned in large part by the mega-powerful, centuries-old Rothschild banking dynasty:

    So here is an idea: global currency union. Let nobody
    call it boringly feasible, or politically expedient. Yet, like all the
    best unthinkable ideas, it has more going for it than you might think—in
    principle, at least. The idea is not new. Richard Cooper of Harvard
    University proposed a single world currency in Foreign Affairs
    in 1984, and he was not the first to think of it. It seemed an
    outlandish idea, and still does. But much has happened lately to make it
    worth a moment’s thought.

    The Swiss Are Onto Something: Facebook, Libra and the Case for Decentralization

    Crypto: Solid as Gold, Liquid as Water

    It’s clear that digital assets are the direction technology and
    society are moving. To resist the trend would be nearly impossible. And
    where digital assets are the next level future of finance, people want
    to make sure the ones they hold are secure, private, and sound. Like
    gold stacked deep underground at the foothills of the Swiss Alps. Only
    now, transferable and spendable with the touch of a small screen.

    Whether Maxine Waters and her colleagues are really that up in arms
    about Facebook’s big moves, or whether the Swiss government really did
    attempt to help persecuted Jews out of kindness doesn’t matter. None of
    this matters. It doesn’t even matter what the quantum physicists say
    about the very nature of reality itself. It’s all talk.

    The reason none of these things matter is simple: Because angry
    Waters or not, kindhearted bankers or not, simulation or not, privacy
    and decentralization are the verified, use case-tested means by which
    sound money and a better, more “Swiss” quality of life can be built
    right here, right now.

    What’s your view on the conflict between Facebook and U.S. financial interests? Let us know in the comments section below.

    OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed
    article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.
    Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy
    or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due
    diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com
    is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss
    caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or
    reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.

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