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    New Study: US Dominates Crypto Twitter While Venezuela ‘Most Negative’

    Accounting for almost 40% of bitcoin tweets worldwide, the United States looms large over crypto twitter. 

    According to a new thread
    of tweets, published July 3, by crypto data and infrastructure provider
    The TIE, overall 38.9% of total bitcoin tweets come from the U.S.
    Another 10.5% come from the UK. The top six countries generating bitcoin
    discussion on Twitter are the U.S., U.K., Canada, Turkey and India, the
    TIE reveals.

    In an analysis of how far that social media
    sentiment is positive, the TIE has found that — in order — Peru,
    Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Italy show the most positive response
    on average in their crypto posts.

    As for the negative, Venezuela —
    home to Maduro’s controversial oil-pegged petro — hosts the most
    negative bitcoin tweets at 62%. Mexico, Estonia, Brazil, and Ireland
    complete the list of FUD-leaning social media sentiment.

    Globally, nonetheless, a rosy 59.8% of bitcoin tweets are positive — a figure that is even higher, at 61.5%, in the U.S.

    The TIE has also devoted some of its research to tracking Facebook’s Libra, finding that — despite an initial positive bias — 54.8% of tweets devoted to the coin globally are now negative. 

    tweets are reportedly most positive in the U.K. — and significantly
    less so in France and the U.S. Both these latter countries have
    experienced regulatory pushbacks, the TIE notes.

    A third crypto —
    chainlink (LINK) — is also covered by the analysis, with the U.S. again
    dominating the field (53% of all LINK tweets), followed by the U.K.,
    Australia, Canada, and Denmark.

    As recently reported, data from Google
    Trends’ search analytics resource at the end of June revealed that
    internet googling of ‘bitcoin’ (BTC) had hit at a 17-month high

    geographical breakdown of interest on Google showed that for 7 days
    running up to June 29, the highest levels where in São José dos Campos
    in Brazil, followed by Caxias do Sul, a city in the country’s south, as
    well as multiple cities in America’s Silicon Valley.

    source link

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    Item Reviewed: New Study: US Dominates Crypto Twitter While Venezuela ‘Most Negative’ Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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