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    City of Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch Bitcoin Cash-Based SLP Token

    On July 1, Joshua Green, CEO of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) implementation Bitcoin Verde, told the BCH
    community that the local government from Dublin, Ohio plans to mint a
    token using the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP). The unnamed SLP token will
    be used for city events, redeemed for city-branded swag, discounts, and
    can be given to volunteers who help Dublin prosper.

    Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch a Token Using the Simple Ledger Protocol on Top of Bitcoin Cash

    The Bitcoin Cash community has learned of a new SLP token used by a local U.S. government. Joshua Green, the creator of Bitcoin Verde, a full node client built from the ground up, announced that the city of Dublin Ohio plans to launch a city token built on the BCH network. When Green explained the project to the BCH
    community on Monday, he detailed that the token’s goal is to provide
    three functions for the residents of Dublin: digital identity,
    electronic polling system, and a token of value. Speaking with
    news.Bitcoin.com, Green noted that the Dublin token is actually a part
    of an RFP that Dublin published in October of last year.

    City of Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch Bitcoin Cash-Based SLP Token

    “For their identity mechanism, we decided to use the same digital
    signature technology as the one used in Bitcoin (the Secp256k1 curve)
    because it’s gone through its trial-by-fire with the Bitcoin networks,
    and has a lot of community support, tools, and libraries,” Green said.
    “Plus it was something we had worked with already when building Bitcoin
    Verde. The intent behind the Dublin identity is to provide a digital
    means for identification that puts users in control of their data —
    allowing them to control if it’s shared and with whom, and even a way to
    revoke access to their data.”

    City of Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch Bitcoin Cash-Based SLP Token
    On the 10-year anniversary of the Bitcoin genesis block, a new full node client built from the ground up was introduced to the BCH community called Bitcoin Verde.

    “Dublin’s public polling mechanism uses their identity system to
    create anonymous ‘second identities’ and RSA keys to encrypt their
    responses, which allows them to be anonymous but also gives the user the
    ability to prove they’ve participated without revealing what their
    response was — Dublin intends for the public polling to be a tool for
    receiving feedback from the people about past and upcoming decisions,”
    the Bitcoin Verde developer explained. “An example we use internally is
    often asking: ‘What are your thoughts about the new roundabout on 33 and
    Riverside?’ We also envision this system to be useful for HOAs
    (Homeowner Associations) to set new policies (all without the city’s
    involvement).” Green insisted:

    The Dublin token is intended to be a reward
    and barter system for Dublin’s citizens — to incentivize positive
    behavior. For instance, citizens may receive ‘Dublin Points’ for
    participating in volunteer programs and can use the points in exchange
    for city-branded swag, for priority parking, or can be redeemed by
    vendors for goods or rewards.

    Dublin’s Token-Fueled Barter and Reward System

    Green also revealed that his team is nearing the first public release
    of the token and he’s now able to discuss the project, which has been
    in stealth mode. The developer said that the team researched the SLP
    system a great deal and after the SLP project matured significantly, the
    developers grew confident that it would be a wise choice to serve as
    the platform for Dublin’s token.

    “We investigated other blockchain and token implementations,” Green told the community
    on the Reddit forum r/btc. “But ultimately decided Bitcoin Cash’s
    scaling solution to be superior than other alternatives, and viewed the
    thriving developer community to be an important pillar to the platform’s
    longevity.” The developer added:

    Dublin’s token is intended to be a barter and
    reward system to facilitate existing physical tokens and to incentivize
    positive behavior via rewards.

    Green suggested that Dublin’s SLP token might also be used to
    digitize the cities already existing physical tokens. In the past, there
    have been many local towns or city-issued barter-like systems such as
    Ithaca New York’s ‘hour’ currency and in Massachusetts there’s Berkshire
    bucks (Berkshares). The Ithaca hour
    is actually the oldest and largest local currency system in the U.S and
    hours are used for town bartering, discounts, and other economic
    interactions. Berkshares or ‘Berkshire bucks’ in Massachusetts is a
    local currency accepted by 400 local merchants in the mountainous
    Berkshire region.

    City of Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch Bitcoin Cash-Based SLP Token
    bunch of people have been creating tokens with the Simple Ledger
    Protocol (SLP) and there have been tokens launched on exchanges, a
    Liberland token called Merits, and a stablecoin called USDH.

    “Dublin’s token isn’t meant to be a currency per se, but with any
    distributed token we can’t really control what people do with them — I
    think that the local currencies are a really interesting case to learn
    from history and repeat the good decisions and avoid the bad ones,”
    Green explained when discussing the similarities and differences between
    other local currency systems. “To my knowledge, the Hours and
    Berkshares are (local) traditional paper currencies, not digital tokens,
    however, Liberland’s Merits are a BCH
    SLP token too, but I believe they’re trying to use it as a currency —
    which is great, and I think we can learn some lessons from them as
    things progress,” Green added. “I think if anything, the Merits and
    Dublin’s points help prove viability for other local governments to
    consider this path if it’s right for them.”

    SLP Tokens Backed by the Security of the Bitcoin Cash Network Best Represent the City’s Intent

    The Bitcoin Verde CEO said when the team considered creating Dublin’s token of value, the many benefits of the BCH
    network outweighed other blockchains that can create tokens. The
    biggest attribute was the low fees the Bitcoin Cash network provides so
    the cost of redeeming the token would not compete against the actual
    value received.

    During the announcement, Green had emphasized that Dublin’s token is
    not backed by an asset and is only intended to resemble a coupon or
    barter system. The SLP token will use the baton system which means the
    city can issue additional tokens at any time. “We found this mechanism
    best represents the city’s intent behind the token of value,” Green
    explained. “Tokens are not expected to be directly tied to monetary
    value — For example, currently a (physical) beverage token at the Dublin
    Irish Festival may be purchased for $2, however, each token is not
    guaranteed to be “$2 of beer”, instead a vendor may offer a beer for 3
    tokens, or a soda for 1 token, or whiskey for 4 to 6 tokens,” the
    developer added. We also asked Green if he thought other towns and
    cities might decide to emulate the ‘town-token’ idea using SLP-issued
    tokens in the future.

    “I hope so,” Green replied. “We submitted a bid to the state of Rhode
    Island last week to give them a trial-run of Dublin’s system for their
    own use — The exciting thing here is use would be at the state level and
    could also explore some integration between the state and local
    government, which further paves the way for future adoption.”

    Green also revealed that over the last few months the team has been
    discussing the token concept to surrounding cities and towns and even
    the state capital, Columbus. “While I cannot announce their direct
    involvement yet, I can say we have received amazing support and
    initiative around integrating with Dublin’s blockchain,” Green remarked.
    The creator also hinted that Dublin will have its own custom digital
    wallet for sending, receiving and storing the new token. Dublin’s token
    will be compatible with other SLP wallets like Bitcoin.com’s Badger wallet,
    Electron Cash, and Crescent Cash. The Bitcoin Verde developer also
    mentioned that his team looks forward to launching Dublin’s new token
    and concluded by saying:

    We are excited to be releasing the first US
    government blockchain token and are thankful for having a local
    community that is both innovative and eager to dive into the future.

    source link

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    Item Reviewed: City of Dublin Ohio Plans to Launch Bitcoin Cash-Based SLP Token Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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