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    Staking Isn’t Just a Way to Earn Crypto Money – And It Shouldn’t Be

    Staking is money you don’t want to miss out on — simple as that, right?

    While most cryptos today are trading 70 -90 percent below their
    all-time highs, staking is making what looks like easy money, scoring
    coin holders up to 30 percent rewards. More and more people are paying attention, with staking touted as the best way to make semi-passive returns in a bear market.

    Coinbase is launching staking support, and new staking coins are cropping up to compete with the established players like Tezos, Dash and Decred.

    It’s not really that simple. Staking is getting attention for all the wrong reasons, and it’s time to re-examine its role.

    Misconceptions around how it works and why it exists will have
    lasting consequences if expectations aren’t set now. Projects that
    implement any form of proof-of-stake (PoS) need to plan for long-term
    sustainability, not just the immediate future.

    If You’re Going to Stake, Stake Right

    Staking is evolving from being a semi-passive reward, to becoming a
    powerful incentive for participating in governance. Projects that plan
    for the future will figure out how to incentivize active participation,
    while those who elect a set of governors based on the quality of their
    kickbacks won’t last.

    Choosing to stake on the right projects for the right reasons is the best way to earn rewards.

    Proof-of-Work (PoW) was introduced on bitcoin as a block validation
    method to timestamp transactions without the need for a trusted third
    party. PoW has an established track record with bitcoin securing its
    network using energy. People began exploring PoS as a way to use less
    energy to do validation “work.”

    PoS is more accessible and decentralized, empowering coin holders,
    who “stake” coins to “forge” blocks by maintaining an online wallet or

    Staking started as just another method for recording transactions
    securely, but it’s constantly evolving. Some implementations are a
    hybrid with PoW, while others add delegates who either receive votes
    from, or are empowered to act on behalf of, the group.

    Staking for Rewards vs. Staking for Participation

    As Zaki Manian, co-creator of Cosmos, pointed out in an interview with CoinDesk, “[P]art of the dynamics of proof-of-stake is how frequently do people just vote to give themselves more money?”

    In this scenario, coin holders collect exorbitant rewards without putting in any work.

    Staking has been erroneously portrayed as the crypto version of a
    bond. While there are projects that don’t require any more work than
    staking funds for a reward, this approach is ultimately unsustainable
    and will get participants who thought they could “park and earn” into

    It’s not unusual for projects to employ a toothless charade for
    centralized parties to claim they’re not in control. These systems are
    often overly complicated and characterized by confusing procedures and
    non-binding voting, which in practice discourage voter participation and
    lead to voter apathy.

    When it comes to participation, several staking projects have voting
    on treasury spending — projects like Dash, Decred and PIVX are paving
    the way in governance where the community participates in project-level
    decision making. Decred’s participatory voting feature, for example,
    allows token holders to vote on everything from protocol decisions to
    choosing to hire its PR firm.

    Today, staking spans a gamut of implementations beyond locking up
    funds, from ensuring the security of a blockchain to changes in
    consensus rules. PoS doesn’t necessarily imply governance, but its
    incentive structure combined with governance has radical implications
    for participation.

    Staking for Rewards and Power

    With the right incentives, staking can not only return rewards, but
    also give you input on a project’s future direction. When staking your
    coins, they usually go through a lock-up period while voting — rules on
    this vary from project to project.

    After voting, you get your coins back as well as a staking reward.

    If you vote against the project’s interests, while you’ll still get
    the immediate staking reward, over time you’ll feel the negative market
    effects of bad decisions like an all-expenses-paid stakeholder’s ski
    trip to Switzerland. In a system that gamifies decision-making and other
    processes, voting on decisions has a longer-lasting effect beyond
    earning an immediate staking reward.

    Staking governance is powerful because it embodies a philosophical
    underpinning of the crypto movement: the belief humanity’s accepted
    forms of large-scale decision-making aren’t working well.

    Staking aims to put that into practice — in crypto in the near term
    and on a societal scale in the distant future. This means eliminating
    corrupt intermediaries in favor of peer-to-peer interaction, and
    shirking representative democracy in favor of direct voting.

    Individual sovereignty is tantamount; if you have skin in the game
    (i.e. are financially invested), you should help determine the direction
    of that game. But with that comes the responsibility of making informed
    decisions, and not necessarily trusting anyone else is going to make
    them for you. If you want to participate in staking long-term, you need
    to understand a project well enough to stake it.

    If you want to have a say in how a project is run, you need to stake
    one that incorporates your sovereignty as a user. To participate, you
    need to keep up on changes to its consensus rules and actively vote for
    what you believe is best for it.

    Staking can yield significant rewards, but to simply receive
    compensation for voting sets up a poor alignment structure. Coin holders
    must understand the responsibility that comes with locking up their
    coins and use it wisely — and only then enjoy the fruits of their labor.

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    Item Reviewed: Staking Isn’t Just a Way to Earn Crypto Money – And It Shouldn’t Be Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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