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    Facebook Is a Threat to Governments Not Crypto

    The moment Facebook released the whitepaper for its planned
    Libra coin, social media was flooded with claims about Zuckerberg’s new
    drive to take over the cryptocurrency market, with some even calling it a
    Bitcoin killer. However, looking at the actual details of the plan, it
    has little to do with cryptocurrency and is in fact more of a threat to
    government fiat.

    Also Read: Zuckbucks or Bust: How SEC Rulemaking Hurts Startup Cryptos and Favors Big Tech

    Libra Wants to Be a New Global Fiat Currency, Not a Cryptocurrency

    Without getting into deep technical arguments about what is a real
    blockchain, it is easy to see that Libra will hold little appeal to
    cryptocurrency purists as it is neither decentralized nor
    permissionless. This is plainly obvious to the people behind Libra, as
    the whitepaper’s writers take considerable efforts to try and obscure
    these two critical issues with the project.

    In order to claim that its new venture is decentralized, Facebook has
    surrounded itself with other companies and organizations that will
    serve as founding members of the association governing Libra and be the
    network’s first validator nodes when it launches. These will be the
    players who get to decide how the project is run as well as who can join
    it later on. Imagine a politician handpicking all the members of some
    important committee and then saying its decisions will be totally
    independent. It seems to be stretching credulity.

    As for being permissionless, Facebook is not even trying to hide that
    Libra isn’t going to be built this way. Instead, it just pays lip
    service to the idea and states its aspirations for a “journey toward
    building a permissionless system.” It only plans to begin this within
    five years of the public launch of the ecosystem, meaning by 2025, and
    offers absolutely no hint of a deadline for actually achieving such a
    transition. Moreover, the whitepaper lists plenty of excuses as to why a
    permissionless system can’t work properly, giving the impression it is
    setting the ground for endless delays or outright abandonment of this
    “journey” at some point after the project is well established.

    Facebook Is a Threat to Governments Not Crypto

    The people that Libra is aimed to appeal to as money are those that
    don’t have access to mainstream financial services and who may have
    never heard about such concepts as decentralization or permissionless
    networks. People like the unbanked in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and
    South America who have access to Facebook’s Messenger and Whatsapp on
    their cheap mobile phones but no reliable and affordable way to store
    their earnings digitally, send money to family abroad or take out
    non-predatory loans. These are the adopters envisioned in the whitepaper
    as well as the environment depicted in the promotional materials for

    Of course, there are already many ventures aimed at tapping the
    potential of the vast unbanked market, as well as reasons for Facebook
    to branch out into offering financial services. Its operations have
    become the focus of intense public scrutiny recently with worries over
    abuses of user privacy, enabling propaganda, limiting free speech and
    more. If and when major changes to the way Facebook does business are
    forced on the company, it would be smart to have an additional revenue

    Zuckerberg must have looked to China and seen how the local social
    network Wechat leveraged its over one billion users to become an online
    payments behemoth in the country. If Facebook can do the same in other
    emerging markets, while capturing part of the profits banks and credit
    card companies make in developed markets with its monopoly over social
    networking, the move should make its CEO even more unfathomably
    powerful. However, Zuckerberg couldn’t just settle at that.

    Exchanging Sovereignty for Total Surveillance Capabilities

    Libra isn’t a stablecoin as it isn’t meant to be pegged to a
    particular fiat currency at a fixed ratio but rather has its own value.
    It will be managed by a currency board-like body and backed by a reserve
    basket of bank deposits and short-term government securities.

    Libra is also different from Wechat Pay, or for that matter Paypal,
    Visa and Mastercard, as it is not meant to be solely a tool for
    transferring money but a currency in its own right. Its officially
    stated aim is to be a new global currency, and one that is more
    attractive than current government fiat at that. Since time immemorial,
    minting coins was an exclusive sign of sovereignty. That’s how
    historians determine exactly when an empire captured a new land or when
    kingdoms rose and fell as the first thing they would do was create coins
    with the face of the new ruler on them. While cryptocurrency advocates
    wish to diffuse this power away from state control, Libra threatens to
    usurp it for itself.

    Facebook Is a Threat to Governments Not Crypto

    The announcement triggered politicians from across the globe to react
    angrily to Facebook’s plan. In the U.S., the House Financial Services
    Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters called for a moratorium on developing
    Libra until “Congress and regulators have the opportunity to examine
    these issues and take action,” and the Senate Banking Committee is set
    to hold a hearing on the subject next month. German MEP Markus Ferber
    warned that Facebook could become a “shadow bank” and suggested
    regulators be on high alert. Russian State Duma member Anatoly Aksakov
    stated that his government doesn’t plan to legalize Libra. French
    Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire took the strongest stance on the matter,
    saying that “It is out of question’’ that Libra will “become a
    sovereign currency,’’ adding that “It can’t and it must not happen.”

    India has blocked Facebook’s plans for an internet service that will
    lock users to its services in the past and the company must know that
    many governments might take a similar approach to Libra in the future.
    However, Zuckerberg has also learned how to maneuver in the political
    playing field, spending millions on lobbying and hiring well connected
    politicians such as former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. It
    has already been revealed that Facebook has been in discussions with
    some major central bankers and they appear to be broadly supportive of
    Libra from their statements. Jerome Powell, chairman of the U.S. Federal
    Reserve, sees “potential benefits” to the system and Bank of England
    Governor Mark Carney thinks Libra can have some uses.

    If it is allowed to launch as planned and actually succeeds in
    establishing itself as a global currency, Facebook can also try to lure
    powerful governments to cooperate with Libra in the long run by offering
    them something those seeking total power long dreamed of. Such a system
    will enable total surveillance over the economic activity of the
    populace. Politicians and central bankers could get the cashless society
    they routinely say they want, without having the difficulties of
    developing such a system themselves, freely giving them access to
    information on all transactions in real-time.

    What do you think about Facebook and Libra? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

    OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed
    article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.
    Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy
    or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due
    diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com
    is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss
    caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or
    reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.

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