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    From Clean Water Supply to Rebuilding Notre Dame: Crypto and Blockchain in Charity

    technology that underpins cryptocurrencies has been gradually entering
    the charity sector, purportedly providing more transparency and trust to
    the industry — especially given a decrease in people’s trust in charity organizations, where the public is increasingly concerned about how charities spend raised money.

    Governments and blockchain projects embrace charity space

    around the world have been showing increasing interest in blockchain
    deployment and digital currency adoption for philanthropy, although few
    of them have implemented clear regulations toward the new type of currency at the legislative level.

    Recently, the British Virgin Islands — a United Kingdom overseas territory in the Carribean — partnered
    with blockchain firm Lifelabs.io to launch an alternative
    cryptocurrency-enabled payments infrastructure for residents across its
    network of islands to ensure that residents can continue access
    essential goods and services in the event of a humanitarian crisis.

    Andrew Fahie — premier and minister of finance of the British Virgin Islands
    — said that blockchain-based financial innovation “comes at a pivotal
    time for our people and our economy, while the memory of recent natural
    disasters remains fresh in our minds and hearts, and the pressure for
    increased economic efficiency keeps mounting.”

    The mayor of the South Korean capital, Seoul, introduced
    a five-year plan for developing the blockchain industry in the city
    last October. The project entitled “Blockchain City of Seoul” contains a
    number of measures for promoting and developing blockchain-related
    initiatives and education in the city from 2018 to 2022.

    Last September, China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) revealed
    plans to implement blockchain as part of an overhaul of its charity
    tracking system. The MCA’s four-year plan through 2022 specifically
    pledges to “explore the use of blockchain technology in charitable
    donations, charity tracking, transparent management” and elsewhere.

    were set to “build a tamper-proof charity organization information
    query system and enhance the authority, transparency and public trust of
    information publishing and search services.” The plan confirmed that
    the blockchain tech component was chosen to “complete the new round of
    the ‘Charity China’ platform’s upgrade.”

    Recent years have seen a
    number of blockchain and crypto-focused organizations — from well-known
    to newly formed ones — stepping into the charity industry as well. Just
    recently, news broke that a charitable campaign dubbed “Airdrop Venezuela” — which is set to enable direct transfer of $1 million in cryptocurrency donations to the country’s citizens — registered 60,000 verified beneficiaries and raised $272,000.

    campaign leader, professor Steve Hanke, underscored that the project
    aims to demonstrate how crypto can be used by relief agencies globally
    to securely and transparently deliver funds and aid to people in need.
    As the country struggles a still-ongoing political crisis and ongoing economic turmoil, bitcoin (BTC) trading volumes in Venezuela were reported to have reached an all-time high in February of this year.

    In the United States, the Bail Bloc Initiative started
    using cryptocurrency raised through charity to help people get out of
    the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) pretrial
    incarceration last November. ICE is a law enforcement agency of the
    federal government of the U.S., the mission of which is to monitor
    cross-border crime and illegal immigration.

    Bail Bloc set a goal to help charged immigrants pay their bail with
    money raised through cryptocurrency mining. The initiative released an
    app that consumes a small portion — from 10% by default to 50%
    optionally — of users’ computing power to mine monero (XMR) once it is installed.

    Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance revealed in February that its philanthropic arm, BinanceCharity Foundation (BCF) — which was first launched
    in October 2018 — rolled out its charity campaign “Lunch for Children”
    in the capital of Uganda, Kampala. According to the program, the
    organization is set to provide two meals a day during the full year of
    2019 to more than 200 students and school staff.

    In late 2018, the BCF opened
    a new fundraising channel on its blockchain-powered donation platform.
    The program is conducted in support of terminally ill patients and
    disadvantaged children in Malta and Gozo.

    The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, Brian Armstrong,
    announced the launch of a charitable initiative dubbed “GiveCrypto.org”
    to “financially empower people by distributing cryptocurrency
    globally,” last June. GiveCrypto.org intends to raise funds from crypto
    owners and distribute small amounts to people who live in emerging
    markets — more specifically, to those going through financial crisis.

    A bitcoin-only charity called the Pineapple Fund that was established by an anonymous donor contributed
    5,104 BTC to 60 charities around the world in 2017, supporting a
    variety of projects, from clean water supply in sub-Saharan Africa to
    digital rights protection. At the time, the donated digital currency was
    exchanged into $55,750,000.

    The progressive adoption of digital
    currencies makes traditional nonprofit organizations more flexible in
    attracting funds from new sources. According to a report by the largest
    donor-advised fund in the U.S., Fidelity Charitable,
    the organization received over $30 million in cryptocurrency
    contributions in 2018 and $106 million since the program’s launch.

    In 2017,
    Fidelity reportedly received $69 million — which made it a record year
    for cryptocurrency donations — while in 2016, the value of crypto
    donations amounted to only $7 million. Fidelity notes in the report that
    digital currency donations “eliminate any capital gains taxes and give
    the full fair market value to charity.”

    Recently, the world was
    appalled by the massive destruction of the 800-year-old French cathedral
    Notre Dame de Paris following the devastating fire that engulfed the
    church on April 15. Days after, an array of companies, organizations and
    individuals donated
    millions of dollars to reconstruct the damaged cathedral, with the
    international cryptocurrency and blockchain community reacting promptly
    by launching donation campaigns as well. The French crypto community
    also launched a cryptocurrency donation campaign dubbed Notre Dame des Cryptos
    to help rebuild the cathedral. The team behind the campaign emphasized
    that many people around the world want to fund the reconstruction, with
    bitcoin being a global and universal cross-border solution that is
    reliable against censorship.

    Blockchain’s potential to ensure
    fairer, more equitable aid and distribution of donated funds has been
    recognized by leading organizations around the world, including the United Nations,
    the Red Cross and Save the Children, and the Notre Dame case is just a
    local example of how effectively blockchain has been helping raise
    charitable donations in recent years.

    United Kingdom-based Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) recognizes
    digital currency and blockchain as the technologies that “have some
    fascinating features that could have a huge impact on charities and
    charitable giving,” and points out their “potential for ‘radical
    transparency’ of donations, and the possibility of making it easier to
    get aid money to where it is needed.”

    Commenting on blockchain integration into internal processes of charity organizations, Rhodri Davies, head of policy and program leader at CAF, told Cointelegraph:

    transparency through the use of decentralised ledgers (either using
    crypto or some form of tokening) bring the potential for enhancing trust
    among donors by giving far greater certainty over how money is spent —
    this would be particularly valuable when giving cross-border into
    jurisdictions where there are often justifiable fears about corruption
    and mismanagement.”

    However, Davies noted that
    radical transparency may cause problems, as well as that “many
    nonprofits already face challenges convincing sceptical donors about the
    need to spend money on core costs (which are seen as ‘overheads’ or
    ‘admin cost’) — if those donors were able to see where their individual
    donations went within an organisation, this is likely to exacerbate the
    problem as there would probably be many instances where a donor would
    not be happy that THEIR money wasn’t going to the perceived ‘front

    How blockchain and crypto may transform the charity space

    years have marked a significant progress in the adoption of digital
    currencies and blockchain in philanthropy by some governments and
    international organizations. Indeed, blockchain enables donors to see
    what path their donations came from — from the moment it was contributed
    to the moment it was spent — purportedly ensuring a high level of
    transparency and eliminating misreporting.

    The blockchain-powered project GiveTrack, backed by bitcoin nonprofit organization BitGive,
    was created with the objective to let donors trace transactions on a
    public platform in real time, thus being aware of the final destination
    of their donations. Over the life of the platform, it recorded fund
    flows to projects featured from Code to Inspire, Desafio, Run for Water
    and America Solidaria. BitGive — which supports 12 cryptocurrencies — carried out
    global campaigns, including Medic Mobile, the Water Project, Save the
    Children, Techno, Fundación Parlas and Team Rubicon for Tornado Relief.

    Davies stressed that charities also need to be careful what they put on a ledger:

    instance, if a grantmaker is funding LGBTQ rights in a country where
    homosexuality is still illegal (e.g. Uganda) and they use a
    blockchain-based platform to move money, they would need to be very
    careful that they didn’t unwittingly publish information that allowed
    organisations or individuals to be identified and arrested.”

    News broke in 2015, when nonprofit media outlet ProPublica reported
    about inappropriate expenditures of donated funds that the Red Cross
    received in the course of the Lamika project, which was aimed at
    building of hundreds of permanent homes for those affected by the
    earthquake in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, in 2011. The Red
    Cross had reportedly received nearly half a billion dollars, while only
    six houses were built as of 2015. “The Red Cross won’t disclose details
    of how it has spent the hundreds of millions of dollars donated for
    Haiti. But our reporting shows that less money reached those in need
    than the Red Cross has said,” the news outlet argued.

    Notably, the survey “Trust in Charities and the Overseas Developments Sector” prepared by research consultancy firm nfpSynergy shows
    a 6% fall in people’s trust in charities in 2017, wherein 54% of 1,000
    surveyed adults said they trusted charities “a great deal” or “quite a
    lot” compared with 60% a year earlier. Blockchain is set to cut out
    middlemen and issues presented by bureaucracy, as well as a lack of
    administrative expertise, which could subsequently improve the
    reputation of charities.

    Francesco Nazari Fusetti, social entrepreneur
    and founder of Ethereum blockchain-based token AidCoin and full-service
    platform CharityStars, which was designed to allow charitable
    organizations to raise funds, told Cointelegraph that “charities must
    keep in touch with their donors all the way through the project, and
    keep updating them about the new milestones reached” in order to prove
    that a success story is true, as well as to ensure the work is
    sustainable. Nazari Fusetti continued:

    financials and proofs of payment definitely helps to create a success
    story, but only with crypto and blockchain we can aim to give full
    transparency about the use of funds.”

    Davies made an
    example of the use of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)
    structures that purportedly enable social movements to coordinate and
    operate more effectively at scale:

    “We have already
    seen a growing trend for such movements to take the form of loose
    networks rather than traditional centralised organizations (e.g. Black
    Lives Matter, #MeToo, the climate strikes). Often these movements face
    challenges in terms of maintaining focus and momentum, or carrying out
    practical action, and the additional structure provided by a DAO might
    enable them to overcome these challenges but without having to adopt
    traditional approaches.”

    Among other challenges
    blockchain can purportedly help solve are slow settlement times for
    transferring funds from philanthropy organizations to beneficiaries and
    the volatility of contributions made in foreign currency or securities.
    Although price volatility of digital currencies poses the risk that
    donations could be worth something different the moment it is needed, it
    also applies to foreign currency markets.

    Last October, Binance released
    a report on crypto donations to provide relief for west Japan following
    devastating floods in mid-July, stating it had raised $1.41 million in
    various types of ERC-20 tokens at the time. Volunteer service provider
    Open Japan — which received 169.85 ether (ETH) (5.3 million yen, or
    $47,257, at that time) from Binance — said that “it was carried out
    instantly, and after confirming the transfer we were able to convert it
    to Japanese yen. Receiving this donation left us with a deep impression
    of cryptocurrency: both its growing effect on our world and its

    Digital competence of charities

    Bitcoin is
    currently the leading cryptocurrency in terms of charitable donations.
    While no exact figure is available for the amount of bitcoin that
    charities received in 2017, it was certainly in excess of $100 million,
    eXeBlock’s survey dubbed “Eight Ways Charities are Cashing in on Cryptocurrencies” says, and further adds:

    U.S. donors, making charitable contributions in cryptocurrency is a
    good tax planning strategy because if the IRS considers these currencies
    as property for tax purposes, meaning that upon liquidation, any
    appreciation of the assets are subject to capital gains tax. However, if
    the cryptocurrency is donated prior to be being converted to dollars,
    the donor receives a tax credit equal to the market value of the asset
    at the time of donation. There is no tax on cryptocurrencies that are
    converted to cash in a donor advised account. This approach increases
    the donation size by up to 21%.”

    Speaking about major
    obstacles that stand between a charity and its mission, Nazari Fusetti
    named fundraising to be the biggest issue for charities nowadays. This
    is, according to him, why charities are keen to explore new tech
    opportunities to attract new donors.

    Sharing his experience of working with charities, Jorge Mejia, assistant professor of operations and decisions technologies at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University,
    told Cointelegraph that charities are “often not led by tech-savvy
    leaders, but I think they are getting better over time. Particularly,
    because many charities have realized they need some online presence to
    tap into the charity crowdfunding market. I think a large gap for
    charities is obtaining volunteers that want to work on the tech side of

    Meanwhile, among 5,352 nongovernmental organizations
    surveyed, 72% accepted website donations, with only 1% accepting
    bitcoin, and only 3% had a digital wallet. In the United Kingdom, only
    15% of surveyed charities
    have been through the full digital transformation process and have
    embedded it, while 45% did not have a digital strategy at all.

    2018, the survey showed skills to be the second-biggest barrier (51%)
    for charities, following funding (58%). Over half (53%) reportedly saw
    their digital strategy skills low, and 55% rated themselves as fair or
    low at keeping up to date with digital trends.

    Notably, 73% of the
    surveyed charities said that they had low to very low skills in
    artificial intelligence (AI), which is up from 68% a year earlier. Also,
    62% of the survey participants reportedly rated their digital
    fundraising skills as fair to low, with 58% saying their digital
    governance skills as fair to low.

    Nazari Fusetti argued that
    “through blockchain we could score a life changing goal for charitable
    organizations.” However, the general trend shows that charities are
    reluctant to tech adoption:

    “Generally charities are
    reluctant to tech adoptions but there are some cases, especially with
    big brands such as UNICEF, which show the opposite. Innovation takes
    time, skilled employees and financial capital which are limited
    resources to small charities. Therefore it makes it more difficult for
    them to embrace new technologies.”

    Davies stated that
    technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
    have already entered the charity sector, as these technologies can
    purportedly be deployed to craft compelling narratives and drive
    empathy. According to Davies, a number of nonprofits already use AR and
    VR in their fundraising and awareness-raising.

    The key findings from TechTrust’s “Digital Survey 2018
    report, which surveyed 1,262 charity organizations, show that in 2017,
    the majority (58%) of charities did not incorporate digital into their
    overall strategy, with 14% of those with no IT staff being from large
    multinational companies.

    Digital Charity Survey 2018 (Part 1)

    Digital Charity Survey 2018 (Part 2)

    Of them, 82% reportedly hold sensitive data that is not to be shared and are aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    Also, 27% of the surveyed said they would upgrade their IT
    infrastructure, and only 9% of charities were planning to reduce their
    spending on IT infrastructure. Of the surveyed charities, 31% did not
    have applications in the cloud, 9% did not have remote access to their
    customer relationship management (CRM), and 27% saw benefit in cloud

    Digital Charity Survey 2018 (Part 3)

    Digital Charity Survey 2018 (Part 4)

    According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development,
    “transaction costs to send remittances currently exceed $30 billion
    annually, with fees particularly high to the poorest countries and
    remote rural areas.” The World Food Program — the food-assistance branch
    of the United Nations and the largest humanitarian organization
    fighting hunger — claimed
    that, through the implementation of blockchain, it managed to reduce
    fees for international payment transactions, which let the program to
    save around $150,000 a month.

    Mejia argued that philanthropic
    organizations can strive to record and track their successes and
    failures using mobile and web apps, and added:

    charity no longer needs to depend on a small but influential number of
    donors but can actually reach millions of people through the web.
    However, I think to be successful online, charities need to document
    their ability to deliver value. They need to be able to show potential
    donors that they can truly solve problems for people in need. [...] The
    question is whether they can do it consistently. I have always felt that
    there is too much distance between donors and charities. For example,
    if I donate $10 for an emergency relief effort, why can’t I get some
    assurance that the money was used properly?”

    source link

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