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    Justin Sun’s Crypto Lunch with Warren Buffett Is Genius Marketing at Work

    Noelle Acheson is a veteran of company analysis and a member of
    CoinDesk’s product team. The opinions expressed in this article are the
    author’s own.

    The following article originally appeared in Institutional Crypto
    by CoinDesk, a free newsletter for institutional investors interested
    in cryptoassets, with news and views on crypto infrastructure delivered
    every Tuesday. Sign up here.

    Justin Sun, founder of the Tron blockchain, has paid $4.75 million for the privilege of having lunch with legendary investor Warren Buffett.

    News outlets around the world picked up this news, trumpeting it as
    yet another example of how ridiculous the crypto sector can be.

    The gesture is attention-grabbing, true, and not just because $4.75
    million is a lot to pay for a meal and a couple of hours of someone’s
    time. It’s also worthy of a jaw drop given Buffett’s public opinion of bitcoin: “probably rat poison squared” is one of his more colourful descriptions.

    However, the real event here is being overlooked. Thanks to Sun’s
    largesse, two extremes of the current investment landscape will sit at
    the same table and talk to each other. This is more significant than
    most of us realise.

    A rich buffet

    First, let’s look at the extremes that these two ambassadors represent.

    Warren Buffett is CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a U.S.-based conglomerate with over $700 billion in assets, including a handful of large enterprises in insurance, transport and consumer goods, a portfolio of minority holdings in household names such as Coca Cola and Wells Fargo, a sizeable equity portfolio, and over $110 billion of cash equivalents.

    One of the richest men in the world, Buffett made his fortune
    investing in solid companies with definable markets and tangible
    profits. He has often said that he doesn’t invest in businesses he
    doesn’t understand, and it wasn’t until 2011 that he took his first stake in a tech company, IBM, a position that did not do well. In 2017, he bought shares in Apple, which now accounts for the largest position in his equity portfolio. And last month, he revealed a small holding in Amazon.

    At the other end of the table, we have Justin Sun, an experienced
    entrepreneur and former Ripple representative, who has built a large
    ecosystem around a global entertainment platform based on a distributed
    storage blockchain. Not exactly in Buffett’s wheelhouse, especially
    since the main use case so far seems to be for gambling, something Buffett has spoken out against in the past.

    Tron has been criticized for its outlandish publicity stunts, questionable governance and even plagiarism. In spite of that, however, the network’s token TRX has amassed a liquid market cap of over $2 billion, placing it in the top 10 of crypto assets.

    Can you think of two more different lunch partners?

    Round table

    Now let’s pick our jaws up off the floor and look at what this meeting represents.

    On the one hand, it’s a master publicity stunt for Tron and could
    well end up being cheap at the price. Sun’s name has since graced
    headlines in mainstream press around the world. While the tone of the
    reporting may be of incredulity and perhaps even scorn, his name has
    appeared in the same sentence as Buffett’s in every single article. The
    two are now associated in the minds of not just investors who read the
    financial press, but also of a good part of the world’s population.

    On the other hand, it’s also good publicity for Buffett, not that he
    needs it. Affectionately referred to in many outlets as “America’s
    favorite capitalist,” Buffett has come under criticism recently for his underperformance of the S&P500 over the past 10 years, in spite of handsome outperformance for the previous 30, and for having totally missed the tech boom.

    With this lunch, the proceeds of which will go to charity, Buffett has shown himself to be gracious and generous. Several well-known commentators tut-tutted
    that they wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, but Buffett issued a public
    statement through a spokesperson saying that he was looking forward to
    the opportunity. Buffett is far from stupid and may well be intrigued by
    the chance to hear about a totally foreign concept from one of its most
    high-profile promoters.

    This brings us to where this meeting might lead.

    Take out

    No-one expects Buffett to emerge from the meal a converted crypto
    evangelist. If he has struggled to understand tech companies (as he puts
    it) and their focus on revenue growth at the expense of profits, then
    it’s very unlikely he will appreciate the value in a new type of asset
    that has no tangible backing, no defined governance and no established
    income streams.

    Nor will it produce a Buffett-backed investment in crypto, even as an
    experiment. Berkshire Hathaway is a public company and its annual
    general meeting is a massive event, with over 40,000 people
    travelling from far and wide to question the board on their investment
    decisions. Imagine them having to justify putting shareholders’ money
    into “magic internet beans.”

    What’s more, Buffett has in the past highlighted how hard it is to
    find viable investments with so much money on hand. The number of listed
    equities in which he could feasibly invest is limited to around 100,
    simply because of liquidity concerns and operational considerations.

    With over $700 billion of assets under management and over $100
    billion of “dry powder” (cash that needs to find a profitable home),
    even a $1 billion investment that produces a 500% return in one year
    won’t be enough to “move the needle” on the portfolio’s overall
    performance. Smaller investments, no matter how enticing, are not worth
    the hassle. And a larger investment in even the most liquid of crypto
    assets would send the market reeling – not something a smart investor
    would do.

    Leave a tip

    The ideal outcome of the lunch is actually the most likely: that
    Buffett is less dismissive of the concept of crypto assets than before.

    This is likely because Buffett recognizes that he has made mistakes in dismissing entire sectors before. “We blew it,” is how he explained his lack of tech investments so far. Given his personal emphasis on lifelong education, we can expect him to at least listen to Sun.

    And it won’t just be to Sun. The entrepreneur’s bold statements,
    confusing business strategy and apparent lack of concern for regulatory
    issues (see the interview
    our editor-in-chief Pete Rizzo did with him on the main stage at
    Consensus 2019) will most likely mean that Buffett won’t take him very
    seriously. But Sun is allowed to invite seven other guests and will
    hopefully choose ones that can explain crypto assets’ role in the
    evolution of finance with clarity and sobriety. Virtually all of Crypto
    Twitter has been jostling for position.

    Sun is likely to choose well, since association with leading crypto
    thinkers is part of the stunt. While the rest of us will fantasize about
    being a fly on that wall, we can be fairly confident that the
    conversation will be both dense and conceptual.

    We can also marvel at the genius of the idea. Whatever you may think
    of Sun, Tron and the outlook for decentralized entertainment, there is
    no way that this move doesn’t help the crypto sector. Worst case,
    Buffett is unmoved and continues to think bitcoin is a “delusion.” From what I gather, his opinion could not go lower than it already is.

    Best case, Buffett emerges with an acknowledgement, however
    reluctant, that maybe there’s more to this than he realized. That would
    send a strong signal to institutional investors everywhere that
    dismissal without at least some investigation is short-sighted and

    Total victory would be for Warren Buffett to publicly recognize that
    he doesn’t understand enough about cryptocurrency to have an informed
    opinion… yet.

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