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    Why Bitcoiners Are Turning to Unschooling for Decentralized Education

    Unschooling is an alternative education movement quickly
    gaining popularity and currency worldwide. Like Bitcoin, it is an
    individualist approach to an area of human action long thought to be
    established beyond question―education. Both cryptoeconomics and
    unschooling seek to provide autonomy to individuals, providing a return
    to logical, natural systems that value human life.

    What Is Unschooling?

    Unschooling is a buzzword popping up in random conversations,
    hashtagged heavily on social media, and a source of bewilderment for
    those who may know what ‘homeschooling’ is, but have never heard of this
    sister term. Unschooling. Unlearning. These sound on the surface like
    steps backward from the goals of centralized, compulsory education. And they are.

    The oft-misunderstood term was coined by late U.S. school teacher-turned-unschooling advocate John Holt. In 1964 Holt wrote How Children Fail,
    whose outlined methodologies and observations would ultimately cost him
    his job―and bring him to the forefront of the unschooling movement.
    Holt’s legacy can be summed up in part by his brief observation:

    “Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.”

    Why Bitcoiners Are Turning to Unschooling for Decentralized Education

    Unschooling Meets Crypto-Anarchy

    At the time of writing, the Homeschooling Global Summit
    (June 17-29) is well underway. It’s an online event featuring 20+
    homeschooling and unschooling advocates, speakers, and teachers. Some on
    the roster include Sir Ken Robinson, psychologist and founder of the
    Alliance for Self-Directed Education, Peter Gray, and Didi Taihuttu,
    “The Bitcoin Family” dad. Taihuttu sold most of his belongings back in
    2017 to get into Bitcoin. Why?

    I started to question the materialistic life, the
    economical system and the schooling of our kids and as a family we
    decided we needed to change and we did.

    While Taihutti’s story is certainly one of the more visible examples,
    there are many others beside him choosing to live “outside the system”
    in some way or another, with crypto as a tool facilitating this. It
    affords flexibility. These are living examples of decentralized money
    and self-directed learning in action. And human action is ultimately
    what this all comes down to.

    Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises wrote something similar to
    John Holt on learning, except regarding market action, noting in Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis:
    “All rational action is in the first place individual action. Only the
    individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual

    Holt and Mises were talking about the same reality, just applied to
    different―albeit overlapping and inextricably integrated―areas of human
    action. Both unschooling and Austrian economic principles stem from a
    sound understanding of property and individual self-ownership.
    An individual member of a group is still an individual without the
    abstraction called the “group.” The corollary does not hold true,
    however. A group without individuals is absolutely nothing. Only
    individual humans learn, and only individual market actors act.

    Why Bitcoiners Are Turning to Unschooling for Decentralized Education

    A lot has changed since 2009. Like trendy talk about unschooling,
    though the concept of decentralization was not new when it began to gain
    social traction thanks to Bitcoin. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto had already called it, loud and clear, way back in 1988:

    “Computer technology is on the verge of providing the
    ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each
    other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages,
    conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever
    knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other.”

    The manifesto goes on make many more prescient observations, an
    important reminder that the current evolution taking hold has been in
    the works for a long time.

    The Roof Is on Fire, Send Gasoline

    What can now be seen in state-sanctioned finance and education is an
    attempt to put out a “fire” from the inside of a collapsing, burning
    building―and to do so, moreover, with even more fire and gasoline. The
    “solution” being implemented is to the tune of billions in taxpayer dollars
    each year. Both state-sanctioned systems are failing miserably; failing
    the individuals forced to pay for them, in ways too numerous to name.

    In education, this failure is evidenced by declining academic performance, arrest of elementary school students, physically and sexually abusive teachers,
    and of course the taking by force of 12 of the most important years of
    one’s life, not to mention repeated, blatant instances of direct
    kidnapping. Take Sweden, where individuals must run from the law or hide, with almost zero chance at exemption, just to choose the type of education their child receives. In the U.S, CPS kidnappings have become a real problem as well.

    Where financial institutions are concerned, euphemized theft, gross
    fiscal irresponsibility, and outright violence against non-violent market actors
    abound. The question to be asked here is not how to put out the fire,
    but why the buildings are allowed to stand in the first place.

    Why Bitcoiners Are Turning to Unschooling for Decentralized Education

    Human Nodes – Keys to the Kingdom

    Flash-triggered, massive, avalanche-style decentralization of
    information followed the advent of the internet. The advent of Bitcoin
    and blockchain―this time the decentralization of trade and monetary
    systems―will continue to have similar implications of equally profound,
    if not greater, importance. Uber, Spotify, Airbnb and others are
    decentralizing legacy business models, giving customers the keys to
    their platforms, leveraging their userbases to do much of the heavy
    lifting for them. The “decentralize everything” trend is catching on. In
    just under 10 years the simple concept of Airbnb has enjoyed a 153%
    global compound growth rate. Uber has grown to 3 million drivers and 75 million riders making it a $72B company.

    Signals from decentralized human “nodes” using platforms like Uber
    and others provide “boots on the ground” market data to business owners.
    Millions of engaged, independent users can relay much more about
    customer preference, market trends, and regional supply and demand cues
    than any board of directors in some remote high-rise ever could.

    The more independent nodes, the more robust the network. It’s true
    for Bitcoin. It’s true for Uber and similar models. It should come as no
    surprise then, that it’s true in education as well. The more market
    options and opportunities for unschooling, community groups, student-led
    learning centers etc, the higher the quality of life for individuals
    set to do the learning.Why Bitcoiners Are Turning to Unschooling for Decentralized Education

    A Return to Nature

    The unschooling movement seeks the decentralization of education, and
    is an abandonment of centralized, authoritarian models. Where Montessori,
    charter schools, and state curriculum-based homeschooling might be the
    “Uber” and “Spotify,” forming quasi-decentralized legacy models of
    education, unschooling is far more radical.

    It affords learners complete freedom to choose their own educational
    path, just as blockchains do not tell one how, why, where, or when to
    transact. Market actors know how they want to transact already, without
    coercive oversight to “help.” The same holds true in learning. Nature
    knows what it needs and wants to do. After all, if humans can become
    conversational in difficult languages like Mandarin or English in just
    the first three years of life, with no teachers, textbooks, or schools,
    why do some imagine that without this building called “school” no
    learning can take place?

    The crypto and unschooling movements are a return to natural, logical
    systems, and the rejection of dysfunctional, illogical, and
    unsustainable ones. Unschooling is just another piece of the puzzle,
    where individual self-ownership and property intersect with learning and
    child development. As such, crypto enthusiasts are understandably
    interested in learning more.

    What is your take on government schools? Are unschooling
    options available to you where you live? Let us know in the comments
    section below.

    OP-ed disclaimer: This is an Op-ed
    article. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own.
    Bitcoin.com is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy
    or quality within the Op-ed article. Readers should do their own due
    diligence before taking any actions related to the content. Bitcoin.com
    is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss
    caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or
    reliance on any information in this Op-ed article.

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