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    Ethereum Tokens to Trade on Swiss Stock Exchange via R3 Tech

    Public blockchain tokens will soon be trading on a major securities exchange.

    Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, Swiss security token firm BlockState plans to “passport” half a dozen ERC-20 tokens from ethereum, the second-largest public blockchain, to Corda, the private distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform developed by R3.

    Before the end of the year, the tokens will be locked up in a smart contract on ethereum and “mirrored” versions of them will run on Corda. This is akin to global depository receipts,
    where shares of a company are held in custody in one country and a
    certificate representing ownership of them is traded in another.

    What’s more, the passporting will take place on the network R3 is building for the Swiss Digital Exchange (SDX) – part of SIX, Switzerland’s national stock exchange and the world’s 13th largest.

    “BlockState has seen that exchanges and market infrastructure
    providers are building new digital infrastructure on Corda so they are
    jumping in,” said David Nicol, R3’s head of digital assets. “The way
    they are doing that is with SDX, by issuing tokens that were on ethereum
    onto Corda.”

    The reason for doing this is to open a wider market for issuers of
    security tokens, including institutional investors who don’t want to
    bother managing an ethereum wallet and would rather leave custody to

    “A retail investor probably wouldn’t go through a financial
    institution connected to a regulated secondary market if he is also able
    to just hold an ERC-20 token in custody,” said Blockstate CEO Paul
    Claudius. “So I think this is bringing together these two investor

    SIX declined to comment but has previously said it plans to tokenize
    existing financial instruments as well as list new digital assets,
    including areas like real estate and fine art, beginning this year.

    Building bridges

    Such convergence of public and private blockchains shows how the
    industry has changed since a few years ago when ethereum and R3 stood at
    opposite ends of the decentralization spectrum.

    The former was open to all comers while R3’s Corda was designed with
    banks and regulated entities in mind. The two communities were also
    highly critical of each other, with R3 calling public blockchains unfit
    for enterprise use and ethereum devs dismissing R3 as a glorified
    workflow database.

    But there were signs of change
    afoot a year ago when open-source developers began working on an
    equivalent of ethereum’s ERC-20 standard to create tokens representing
    various assets on Corda.

    Now, BlockState’s own security token
    offering (STO), which is underway, will be the first pilot integration
    into Corda. There are five more issuances planned, the next from 
    an “urban music and lifestyle” company. Other sectors where BlockState
    will tokenize assets include real estate and sustainable energy.

    As well as issuing tokens onto Corda,
    BlockState is registering them as securities in Switzerland, known for
    its conducive regulations and vast network of private banking, family
    offices and high net worth investors ready to buy newfangled digital

    “It’s a regulatory-friendly way to
    register securities,” noted Nicol. “You can go straight on to a
    blockchain and you can regulate that system of record. And in a space
    where the ability to execute is almost everything, they [BlockState] are
    really flying.”

    Claudius explained that Swiss capital
    markets laws have “uncertified shares” where the share can be connected
    directly to a token, a digital representation of the ownership rights
    of the share with the shareholder register basically kept on the

    “Swiss regulations are
    technology-agnostic,” said Claudius. “The issuing of uncertified shares
    doesn’t require a global paper-based ledger which is dematerialized by a
    central securities depository. Since this is not necessary, they don’t
    really care how you manage your shareholder register – you can do it on a
    piece of paper or on a DLT.”  

    source link

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    Item Reviewed: Ethereum Tokens to Trade on Swiss Stock Exchange via R3 Tech Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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