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    A Monumental Fight Over Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Is Coming

    Given how slowly Washington lawmakers
    have taken to devise a coherent, informed view of cryptocurrency, the
    Chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s rapid leap to action
    last week over Facebook’s ambitious Libra project was remarkably fast.

    But let’s reflect not on the details of Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) urgent requests that  Facebook to cease work on Libra until after hearings are held or on how European lawmakers made similar appeals.
    The important takeaway from these legislators’ actions is that they are
    able to make such demands at all. since this is not the case with truly
    decentralized projects.

    Unlike with bitcoin, representative
    in Congress can directly identify and talk to the people in charge of
    the Libra project. They can subpoena them and, thus, pressure them. They
    might start with David Marcus, head of Facebook subsidiary Calibra,
    but, ultimately, it’s Facebook

    CEO Mark Zuckerberg who’ll give lawmakers the greatest leverage.

    In this case, the buck stops with Zuck.

    Now, imagine a Congressional leader
    calling for a halt in bitcoin development. Who exactly are they going to
    pressure to end an open-source project involving millions of globally
    spread mostly unidentifiable developers, miners and users?

    This distinction – between one
    project with a single, identifiable authority figure and another whose
    governance is distributed and leaderless with a founder who has never
    revealed their identity – goes to the heart of a crypto community
    critique that the social media giant’s initiative is not censorship

    When there’s someone in charge, an
    interested party – a policymaker, a banker, a regulator, a shareholder –
    can lean on them to make changes. And when the blockchain consensus
    model is based on a club-like permissioned membership, a coordinated
    effort to alter, or censor, the ledger is always possible. And if the
    ledger or its software can be altered by this pressure, the Libra
    platform can’t unconditionally promise to support open, unfettered
    access for users and a permissionless innovation environment for

    Let’s be clear: Libra’s designers
    have thought deeply about how to protect their project from Facebook
    itself, both in a real sense and that of public perception. In its
    commitment to decentralization, the team has put the code under an
    open-source license, handed the network’s governance authority to a
    separate Swiss-based foundation, brought in 27 external partners to work
    alongside Facebook as independent, permissioned nodes in the network,
    and verbally committed to transition to a permissionless model over
    time. There is a structure and roadmap in place for Libra to grow and
    survive regardless of its genesis as a Facebook project.

    All that’s fine. But we’re still at
    the genesis phase, one that is and will for some time hinge on the
    centrality of a particularly powerful company.

    The culture problem

    At the risk of stating the obvious,
    Marcus and his team are paid by Facebook. Follow the money, as they say.
    But also, follow the code.

    The Libra protocol’s all-important
    source code is now open-sourced, but it was conceived and gestated
    inside Facebook. So, whether the project managers and programmers resist
    or not, the culture of that organization will inherently feed into
    Libra’s design priorities.

    The elephant in the room is that a
    drumbeat of recent news has revealed Facebook’s corporate culture to be
    profoundly toxic. The company’s model of surveillance capitalism has
    turned users into pawns in a global game of data manipulation,
    cultivated echo chambers of narrow-mindedness, done irreparable harm to
    the worthy cause of journalism, and deeply undermined our democracy.

    This legacy is the unavoidable reason
    why people, including lawmakers, are alarmed that Facebook might be on
    the verge of creating a new international model for money and payments.
    Rightly or wrongly, there’s a fox-in-the-henhouse optic here that’s

    Wharton Professor Kevin Werbach argued in the New York Times this week
    that Facebook’s Libra is a bold effort to win back public trust by
    leveraging the accountability ingrained in blockchain technology. But at
    the project’s genesis phase, with no choice but to trust Facebook’s
    early input, that legacy of prior mistrust could easily become a huge
    barrier to its progress.

    We should support Libra, not Facebook

    Notwithstanding all the above, I
    actually want Libra to succeed. (Note: I also want Facebook to die.
    That’s not a contradiction; those two outcomes can and should be
    separate. In fact, it’s the nub of the issue.)  

    The Libra team has set its sights on
    achieving financial inclusion for the 2 billion adults worldwide who
    don’t have bank accounts. It’s a noble goal, and they are going about in
    an intelligent way – from a truly international, cross-border,
    cross-currency perspective. Bring all those people into the
    international economy and the payoffs could be huge, for them and for
    the rest of us.

    And let’s face it, bitcoin has
    dismally failed to live up to its advocates’ promises of a financial
    inclusion solution. Bitcoin’s and other cryptocurrencies’ impact on the
    $800 billion global remittances market is puny.

    Sure, uptake could rise if the
    off-chain Lightning Network lives up to its promise to enable
    larger-scale transaction-processing, if stablecoin projects resolve
    bitcoin’s volatility problem, and if new encryption solutions can
    improve both security and user experience with crypto wallets. But these
    solutions will take time. We need to act now.

    In the end, it’s not at all clear
    that global person-to-person payments are a viable use case for bitcoin,
    perhaps because too many HODLing speculators crowd all the spenders
    out. And, of course, no other payments-focused cryptocurrency has put a
    big enough dent in the remittance market.

    So, perhaps the recipe for a global
    broadening in payments lies with a cross-border, low-volatility
    international stablecoin backed by a basket of leading fiat currencies
    and developed with the formidable programming and marketing resources of
    28 tech and financial giants. Also, when you combine Facebook’s,
    Instagram’s and WhatsApp’s user count, the number of potential wallets
    runs to 4 billion. Global network effects. Instantly.

    All other things being equal – that
    is, if we ignore, for now, the genesis problem of Libra inheriting
    Facebook’s toxic roots – one could also argue that a permissioned,
    corporate network is the best approach for the Libra blockchain in place
    of a fully open, permissionless chain such as bitcoin’s or ethereum’s.
    The heavy lifting needed for early global traction  – the software
    development, the marketing effort and the public policy outreach –
    requires that significant corporate resources be deployed in a targeted,
    coordinated manner that’s hard for open-source blockchain communities
    to achieve. There are efficiency advantages to be had from

    Over time, as the project grows,
    Libra hopes to expand the consortium. That could undermine the
    coordination efficiency, but in a classic
    centralization-versus-decentralization tradeoff, the addition of new
    members – more NGOs, some banks, a workers union perhaps, and some
    public pension funds – will achieve greater diversity and lower
    collusion capacity. It’s far from perfect but the timed transition
    brings things closer to censorship resistance at a time in the future
    when it will matter — if it they get there.

    What this means for bitcoin and crypto

    As an aside, I also believe Libra’s
    success would be a positive for bitcoin – and the past week’s price
    action suggests that the market sees the same.

    Here’s why: Currently the one value
    proposition that holds well for bitcoin is that it will be a more
    liquid, digitally up-to-date risk-hedging vehicle than gold when people
    need to preserve value in something immune from political and
    institutional risk. That argument could be enhanced if Libra succeeds in
    converting billions of people to digital payment wallets, because it
    will more broadly establish the power of blockchain-based digital money
    as the way of the future. At the same time, because of its genesis as a
    Facebook-initiated, permissioned system, Libra will not shake the
    perception of being prone to political – i.e. censorship – risks. For
    many, then, Bitcoin, aka digital gold, will become the obvious

    The currency-basket-backed Libra
    token is, however, a real competitor to other reserve-backed
    crypto-tokens, such as USDC, issued by the CENTER coalition initially
    formed by Circle and Coinbase, GUSD, Gemini’s stablecoin, and PAX, from

    But we can imagine events working in the latter’s favor. Developing countries like India, for example,
    may become hostile to a new currency entering circulation that sucks
    demand away from their local currencies, but they would be more
    accepting of a digital dollar, given that the greenback already
    circulates in their economies. Users, also, might be happier holding
    tokens pegged to single sovereign currencies rather than in a
    hard-to-measure basket. And if concerns about centralized control
    undermines trust in Libra or limits innovation, the fact that these
    tokens are built on truly permissionless blockchains may make them more
    appealing (even if you still have to trust the reserve-holder to
    guarantee to the price stability.)

    Whatever happens, the world of money
    flows is mind-blowingly huge. There are $6 trillion a day in foreign
    exchange transactions alone. That allows plenty of room for different
    models, different tastes, and different trust systems for coordinating
    digital value exchange.

    Getting our priorities straight

    The bigger risk is not that Libra
    succeeds and enriches Mark Zuckerberg even more but that neither Libra
    nor one of its crypto competitors ever succeeds in breaking down the
    barriers to economic participation. Financial exclusion breeds poverty,
    which in turn breeds terrorism and war.

    And if we assume that the technology,
    if it isn’t yet ready, will ultimately get there, then the biggest
    threat to that is from a policy mistake.

    The subtext of both Waters’
    statements and those of European lawmakers was that this private
    exchange system can’t be allowed to replace national currencies. Thats’
    not what Libra intends, but the perception that it is undermining nation
    states’ sovereignty over money could stoke fears and lead to a ban on
    Libra. And if that happens, it sets an ugly precedent for or all other
    competing ideas, whether it’s USDC, GUSD, PAX or DAI or something else.

    The projects capacity to foster
    financial inclusion could also be hurt by the Financial Action Task
    Force’s, or FATF,  embrace of a new rule
    for exchanging cryptocurrency.  If
    ratified by enough countries that could curtail the free flow of
    cryptocurrency among addresses that haven’t been through a bank-like
    “know your customer” process. In other words, it could pose a real
    barrier to Libra’s and everyone else’s dream of financial inclusion for
    the “unbanked.”

    The bottom line: the Libra team has
    its work cut out, and we all have a lot riding on it. The project’s
    representatives must face the reality that, for now at least, the buck
    still stops with Zuck, and that regulators will use that against them.

    We should all wish them success in
    trying to convince policymakers that an open-system to global financial
    transactions is important. (It’s encouraging that the Bank of England is
    taking an open-minded view,
    proposing that tech companies like Libra be allowed to access funds directly from central banks.)

    But, by the same token, we must be
    vigilant against corporate power that could easily convert this
    important project into something more sinister. Facebook’s own history
    is a reminder of the risks we face.

    I wish it were a different company
    running with this ball right now. But since it’s not, the need for all
    of us to take a direct interest in this project is even greater.

    We must demand that our
    representatives provide clear-headed, informed oversight that holds
    corporations like this to account and curtails their monopolizing
    powers. But we should also expect smart, open-minded regulation that
    encourages companies to compete and innovate in an open system that
    creates opportunities for everyone on this planet.

    source link

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