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    Safety Without Silos: Why Businesses Will Learn to Love Public Ethereum

    In 2015, the Ethereum public mainnet launched, followed by a raft of
    private blockchain offerings targeting the enterprise. This opened the
    floodgates on companies prioritizing collaboration, funding long-overdue
    digitization efforts, and extending business processes across corporate

    Today, a new epoch of system integration is underway. However,
    efforts to make blockchain technology enterprise-friendly split the
    community into two camps: public networks versus private networks. The
    dichotomy was wrong-headed from the start, making it easy to believe
    that public blockchain networks shouldn’t be used in confidential
    business operations and that private networks were safe and secure.

    The first belief is wrong, and the second is dangerous.

    It’s true that the consensus mechanism of a private blockchain can
    make it difficult to tamper with information, assuming that the
    companies maintaining the ledger don’t share a common motive to alter
    records. But such private blockchain networks are not particularly
    secure against data breaches, because they must protect many identical
    copies, each controlled by a different company. That’s a hacker’s dream.
    This can be managed, and the risk can be worth it, but to say that
    private blockchains are secure is specious.

    Hacking notwithstanding, not everyone in a consortium should know
    about every transaction or agreement between others operating in that
    network, even among a tight group of permissioned partners. Private
    platforms like Hyperledger Fabric try to compartmentalize information
    inside a permissioned network, but it’s not what blockchain technology
    was designed to do.

    Consequently, they add an immense amount of complexity, and
    complexity is the enemy of security. The good news is that there is a
    way to use blockchain technology that reduces system integration
    complexity, increases security, and improves both resilience and
    interoperability. And this approach doesn’t require companies to replace
    internal systems or build “consortium blockchains” that recreate the
    same old information silos that already plague the business.

    Enterprise blockchain must face the following conundrum: on the one
    hand, we want information transparency across business networks to
    improve outcomes like food safety and reduce fraud, but on the other
    hand, we need compartmentalization of information to ensure privacy and
    encourage companies to participate.

    A Common Challenge

    This puzzle appears in every kind of business. Advertising. Finance. Manufacturing.

    Consider a case from the automotive industry. Say a car part fails
    and causes a crash. It turns out that the part was made by a machine
    that happened to malfunction during only one production run. The run
    made just 50 parts, twenty of which were sent to the maker of the
    crashed car and the remainder to another car company. It would be great
    if the investigator of the crash could instantly access the data from
    the machine that made the parts, know the information had not been
    altered, and trace the 50 bad parts to each installed car.

    That’s a 50-car recall, not a million-car recall. But there’s a
    problem. The parts manufacturer will not put its internal machine
    telemetry in a database controlled or viewable by anyone else, certainly
    not one accessible to competitors. And even if one car maker set up a
    database and convinced suppliers to use it, the other car maker wouldn’t
    use it.

    A third party that everyone trusts to store their data, manage
    workflows, and compartmentalize information could handle this scenario.
    The problem is that it gives someone a lot of power to soak the firms
    for fees. And inevitably more than one such provider pops up, usually
    generating incompatible factions that foil standardization.

    We could put the whole thing on a blockchain, but then everyone would
    see all the data, or at least everyone would be executing the code that
    embodies business agreements between the different companies. And that
    can give away sensitive strategies, tactics and relationships to other
    network participants to exploit, even if the information itself is

    In the end, what makes sense is letting each party manage their own
    private systems with their own private data, running their own protected
    functions – but integrating them in such a way that allows them to
    coordinate where appropriate, quickly track down problems, and ensure
    everyone is playing by the rules.

    To integrate different systems this way requires a common frame of
    reference. We need a way to pass messages between functions running on
    separate systems, so that they can work together without having to
    expose the underlying data or business logic indiscriminately. Using a
    common frame of reference isn’t a new idea. Publishing messages to a
    common bulletin board, a magic message bus, is a classic pattern for
    making system integration more manageable and resilient.

    You can buy expensive middleware to do the job right now. And you can
    pay a system integrator a king’s ransom every time you need to connect
    one company or department to another with it.

    What’s new is the notion of using the Ethereum mainnet as a global
    integration hub serving systems that work together without revealing
    private data or confidential business logic, even to partners. One might
    be tempted to use a private blockchain network for this. But as Paul
    Brody, global leader of blockchain for Ernst & Young, explains, this
    is a bad idea for real business:

    “One day you get a call from a very large buyer saying,
    ‘Would you like to join my private blockchain?’ You say, ‘Okay.’ And
    then you get the same call from your wholesaler, your suppliers, your
    shipper, your insurance company and maybe even your bank…or several of
    each of these! Suddenly you are spending all your time – and a lot of
    money – juggling dozens of blockchains. When the next partner calls, you
    say, ‘Just fax me the order.'”

    Brody asserts that this is why the enterprise blockchain consortium
    approach doesn’t scale organizationally, and his argument makes a lot of
    sense. It looks like the same siloed mess we’ve lived with for decades.

    But by using a mainnet like Ethereum 2.0, we will be able to treat
    business integrations more like workgroups and channels on Slack: easy
    to create, combine and recombine. Your SAP inventory management system,
    your supplier’s JD Edwards ERP system, and your fancy fintech partner’s
    blockchain thingamajig can work together in a consistent, repeatable
    manner without having to set up new infrastructure to accommodate each
    set of partners.

    Who’s Working on It

    Venerable firms like Microsoft and Ernst & Young, and projects
    like Chainlink and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance’s Trusted Compute
    working group, are already ahead of this.

    The recently released Trusted Compute specification will, for
    example, allow an automobile safety inspector to query a parts
    manufacturer, spot a problem with a production run, and be confident the
    answer is based on authentic information generated by systems free from
    tampering – without forcing the company to expose their internal data.

    The Nightfall project, developed by Ernst & Young, uses the
    mainnet to post cryptographic proofs for system integration and
    compliance. The fact that a 150-year-old accounting firm like EY is
    using the public mainnet this way speaks volumes. And it puts the lie to
    the notion that you can’t use the mainnet in business. What company
    could be more cautious about managing private, confidential information
    than one of the Big Four accounting firms?

    In 2015, the enterprise had no real interest in blockchain. Then
    suddenly, it decided to use private versions of it for jobs that often
    were a better fit for traditional systems. Now, with the benefit of
    almost five years of experience, smart businesses are discovering that
    the real job is putting an end to a half-century of brittle, balkanized
    and bespoke system integration.

    And the right tool for that job is the mainnet.

    source link

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    Item Reviewed: Safety Without Silos: Why Businesses Will Learn to Love Public Ethereum Rating: 5 Reviewed By: 66bitcoins
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