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    IRS Agents Propose Draconian Tactics to Investigate Bitcoin Users

    A recently published U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
    slide describes alarming recommendations on how tax agents should deal
    with digital currency users who are not paying taxes. The slide
    recommends that agents question crypto users’ friends and family, comb
    through social media posts and issue subpoenas to make sure U.S.
    residents are paying taxes on their cryptocurrencies.

    IRS Proposes Extreme Tactics for Investigating Crypto Users

    An IRS slideshow
    created by James Daniels, IRS-CI cyber crimes program manager,
    describes some concerning methods IRS agents should use to crack down on
    crypto-using tax evaders. The slide follows the IRS’ recently announcing
    tax guidelines on cryptocurrencies, which will contain rules about the
    tax treatment of digital assets and forks. Even though the new tax
    guidelines haven’t been issued to the public, IRS agents who enforce the
    tax laws have have had no problems prosecuting bitcoin users for tax evasion.
    Agent Daniels’ recently published slide gives a lot of detail on how
    agents should combat crypto tax evaders by using a variety of
    investigation methods. Within the 181-page document, there are thorough
    descriptions of what a cryptocurrency is and chronicled paragraphs on
    assets like ripple (XRP) and bitcoin cash (BCH). The report discusses a myriad of digital currencies including BTC, XMR, BCH, XLM, XRP, and LTC. Daniels’ descriptive study even calls certain hardware wallet users “fanboys.”

    IRS Agents Propose Draconian Tactics to Investigate Bitcoin Users

    Toward the end of the report, the slideshow explains how agents can
    track a bitcoin address using a public block explorer. “Once a Bitcoin
    Address is identified, it can be looked up on a Bitcoin Blockchain
    Explorer to find information such as value, transaction times,
    transaction locations, which may help in corroborating information,
    identifying additional addresses, or assist in locating the subject,”
    the text expounds. “It can also be used to show if bitcoins were
    transferred after a seizure warrant was served, which is discussed
    below.” Additionally, the slides give a well-documented summary of
    bitcoin mixers and how they are used to obfuscate trails of transactions
    on a public ledger. If an IRS agent determines a tax-evading suspect,
    the slide recommends sending grand jury subpoenas to a variety of tech
    companies. The slideshow states:

    Issuance of a Grand Jury Subpoena should be
    considered for Apple, Google, and Microsoft for the Subject’s complete
    application download history.

    IRS Agents Propose Draconian Tactics to Investigate Bitcoin Users

    Investigating a Bitcoin User’s Financial Habits

    What’s more alarming is that Daniels’ slide advocates agents
    investigate the financial habits of individuals who are using crypto to
    evade taxes. This includes, but is not limited to, conducting interviews
    with “bank tellers, family, and friends of the subject (if feasible),
    and establishments the subject frequents that may accept bitcoins.
    [Investigating] Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets.” The
    IRS slide suggests searching the subject’s financial accounts, including
    bank, credit card, and Paypal records. “[Automated clearing house] ACHs
    and wire transfers should be identified to see if any of them are
    related to bitcoin,” Daniels’ slide suggests. The “Getting Information”
    section in the slide states:

    Transfers to and from a subject’s Paypal
    account should be analyzed in much the same way, verifying the parties
    involved with each transaction — Vendors who accept bitcoin, such as
    Amazon Payments, can also be considered for subpoena. However, this
    method may not reliably yield results.

    IRS Agents Propose Draconian Tactics to Investigate Bitcoin Users

    Further into the slides, the agent explains that if the subject in
    question does maintain a bitcoin balance, an attempt should be made to
    identify their bitcoin wallet and associated addresses. The IRS report
    emphasizes that a user could also have numerous crypto addresses. A
    person can be identified if they posted a public address on social media
    and the slide recommends searching “through posts by the subject on his
    Facebook page or Twitter account.” If the suspected tax evader uses a
    bitcoin wallet service, a subpoena for records could be issued to the
    wallet company to identify the subject’s bitcoin balance, addresses, and
    any identifying information. The IRS cybercrime agent also states that
    there are various blockchain surveillance
    companies available that can help with an investigation. Firms that
    offer distributed ledger monitoring services mentioned in the IRS slides
    include Chainalysis, Elliptic, and Ciphertrace.

    “This software could accurately trace the history of bitcoin payments
    and wallets — Moreover, it is able to map wallets into known
    “clusters”— that is, mapping addresses to known entities like Silk Road,
    Coinbase, and other large Bitcoin players,” the presentation explains.

    Slideshow Shows Agents Are Studying Cryptocurrency Technology Extensively

    The 181-page report is a daunting display of how IRS agents can
    invade a person’s private life in order to prosecute them for tax
    evasion. James Daniels’ slides also show that the IRS is well aware of
    bitcoin mixers, the use of Tor, and other transaction obfuscation
    methods. The study gives a detailed analysis of Bitmixer.io and explains that before the site closed down it mixed 65,000 BTC
    per month since 2014. “In addition to Bitmixer’s website on clearnet,
    the operation also had an official Tor mirror as well on the deep web,”
    the powerpoint presentation details. The slides also give step-by-step
    instructions for crypto beginners and explain how agents can easily sign
    up for Coinbase and other popular exchanges as well as a Bitcoin ATM walkthrough.

    People will likely be shocked by this display of law enforcement
    going to great lengths to obtain cryptocurrency information on specific
    people. Very few crypto users are actively taking steps to protect their
    privacy 100% of the time. Perhaps this slideshow will urge more people to use mixing applications like Cashshuffle, operate wallets using a VPN
    and make sure they keep addresses off the clearnet. The recent IRS
    announcement that virtual currency guidelines are on the way is all but
    meaningless when agents will investigate or prosecute you anyway if you
    don’t follow the criteria. Pay taxes or wind up in a cage.

    source link

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