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    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society

    t’s very odd that citizens never
    get to vote or have any say in regard to society’s money, even though
    it’s one of the most important aspects of everyday life. In fact, in
    developed countries, most central banks are institutions that are
    privatized from political interference and history explains why.

    Money: The World’s Most Powerful Weapon

    Most people think they understand how governments work. People assume
    this because a bunch of people pay their taxes in the belief that
    ‘representatives’ are doing their bidding when it comes to law and
    order. What the majority of folks don’t understand is that there’s one
    very important aspect of society that taxpayers have literally no say in
    — the creation of legal tender and the country’s monetary system. Many
    people believe the black swan of Bitcoin
    was born because modern society is now dictated by private, central
    banks that have irresponsibly printed vast quantities of fiat and
    manipulated the world’s economy in the worst way. Bureaucrats have given
    central banks the world’s most powerful weapons. Even worse, the
    banking cartels are never held liable for the inflation and the rampant
    busts and booms that have plagued the world’s economy for many decades.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society

    From Simple Stock Traders to the Money Trust and the House of Morgan

    People who question the ethics of the state understand that central
    banks arrogated to themselves a compulsory monopoly over society’s
    monetary system. The consortium of modern central banking started in the
    17th century and one of the first known central banks was the Swedish
    Riksbank spawned in 1668. Following the Riksbank was the creation of the
    Bank of England in 1694 and 100 years later the Banque de France in
    1800. In the U.S., President Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve
    System the day before Christmas Eve in 1913 in response to the economy
    and the banking panic of 1907. That year the ‘Banker’s Panic’ or
    ‘Knickerbocker Crisis’ saw a nationwide run on banks and trusts
    throughout the U.S. Even though the Federal Reserve was initiated in an
    act of Congress, it is considered politically independent and not
    legally owned by the U.S. government. The Federal Reserve is the
    quintessential example of a 21st century central bank created by a group
    of bankers called the Money Trust more than 100 years ago.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society
    Trust members JP Morgan (left) and JD Rockefeller (right). Morgan’s
    empire consisted of U.S. Steel, General Electric, International
    Mercantile Marine, International Harvester, AT&T, and approximately
    21 railroads. JD Rockefeller led Standard Oil and was at one time the
    most wealthiest American.

    You see, when Bitcoin was launched after the bank bailouts of 2008,
    the creation of the Federal Reserve was a very similar situation. The
    Federal Reserve Act stemmed from the likes of stock market traders and
    bankers in distress. Even Sweden’s Riksbank and the Bank of England have
    initial ties to stock market traders. The St. Louis Federal Reserve
    office even attributes the creation of the Fed to “a series of bad
    banking decisions and a frenzy of withdrawals caused by public distrust
    of the banking system.” So much like the bank bailouts of 2008, JP
    Morgan, along with other Wall Street bankers, attempted to save the
    country from financial crisis. The citizens of America at the time had
    no say in the creation of the Federal Reserve nor have they ever had a
    say or vote toward the central bank’s monetary policies. What’s even
    more interesting is the fact that the same banking families who
    controlled the world’s monetary policy in 1907 are still in control
    today. If one was to study the newspapers during the time when the
    Federal Reserve was created they would read about how a group of bankers
    called the Money Trust helped push the concept of the Fed.

    Reading the Pujo hearings
    gives great detail to this secret society of bankers who conducted
    mysterious meetings in order to ‘save the country.’ U.S. citizens back
    in the early 1900s got a nice glimpse of what happens when a small group
    of men have the power to control the finances of a country. The Fed and
    many central banks worldwide don’t care about laws because they operate
    outside of them in a private manner. The very same bankers bailed out
    in 2008 come from the same families the Fed bailed out 101 years earlier
    in 1907. The Morgan, Rothschild, Heinze, Rockefeller, and Warburg
    families influenced markets greatly at the time. The now-deceased
    Austrian economist and historian Murray Rothbard explained in his book “The Case Against the Fed” how special banking interests formed a coalition to bolster the Federal Reserve system.

    “Since World War II, indeed, the various financial interests have
    entered into a permanent realignment: the Morgans and the other
    financial groups have taken their place as compliant junior partners in a
    powerful “Eastern Establishment,” led unchallenged by the
    Rockefellers,” Rothbard book details. “Since then, these groups, working
    in tandem, have contributed rulers to the Federal Reserve System.”
    Rothbard even ties the Money Trust members to the current Federal
    Reserve chairperson at the time and states:

    Thus, the present Fed Chairman, Alan
    Greenspan, was, before his accession to the throne a member of the
    executive committee of the Morgans’ flagship commercial bank, Morgan
    Guaranty Trust Company. His widely revered predecessor as Fed Chairman,
    the charismatic Paul Volcker, was a long-time prominent servitor of the
    Rockefeller Empire.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society
    Members of the House of Morgan.

    The House of Morgan, another name for JP Morgan and his association
    of bankers, had met at Morgan’s private library several times in order
    to convince banks to join the lending pool. The American citizens had no
    voice in these meetings and had absolutely no say when President Wilson
    enacted the Federal Reserve Act with his group of cronies from the
    House of Morgan. We must remember these are the same bankers who were
    never prosecuted for their crimes in 2008 and have never been held
    liable for manipulating the global economy. More than a century later,
    JP Morgan Chase & Co. is the largest bank in America and the sixth
    largest in the world. The House of Morgan was also involved during the crash in 1987 called
    Black Monday, which began in Hong Kong and spread to Europe and then
    the United States. It’s no wonder that one of Morgan’s banker buddies
    Mayer Amschel Rothschild told the public long ago:

    Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

    The Song Remains the Same When it Comes to the Central Planning of the World’s Monetary Policy

    After the decades of mistrust over the central banking system, people have tried to protest acts like massive fiat printing, quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking,
    and the manipulation of interest rates. Just like in 1907, the bankers
    got a fresh round of stimulus from the Emergency Economic Stabilization
    Act of 2008, otherwise known as the ‘bank bailouts.’ That September,
    just before the Bitcoin whitepaper was published, protests against the
    bank bailouts occurred in 100 cities across 41 states in the U.S. Even
    after the protests in the U.S. and Europe as well, the 2008 financial
    crisis allowed bankers to gain vast amounts of money, creating
    significant wealth disparity. The disparity was so large that global
    citizens protested the 1% again four years later during the Occupy Wall
    Street movement. Still, no banker was jailed and the Federal Reserve was
    allowed to print billions of dollars that only trickled down to their
    banker compadres.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society
    September 2008 protests against the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (bank bailouts).

    It is crazy that Americans have no say in how the privatized Federal
    Reserve operates and the entity is allowed to toy with the economy on a
    whim. The Federal Reserve is not much different to the rest of the
    world’s central banks as most of them are interconnected in some
    fashion. Even with the blatant manipulation of society’s monetary
    system, the world still has a choice to escape the wrath of centralized
    planners. After the crisis in 2008, Bitcoin’s inventor Satoshi Nakamoto
    unleashed a technological breakthrough when it comes to money, an
    invention that cut out the cartel of central bankers. The message in
    Bitcoin’s genesis block suggests that Nakamoto created a coin with
    scarcity for a reason, highlighting the bank bailouts of 2008. Many
    libertarians and students of Austrian economics have questioned the
    Federal Reserve and have called for the bank to be audited and even
    terminated. Former Senator Ron Paul is well known for trying to push an
    audit of the Federal Reserve and often shouts the slogan “End the Fed”
    at his rallies.

    “It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with
    the century of central banking,” Paul emphasized in his book which is
    also called End the Fed.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society
    Former U.S. Senator Dr. Ron Paul.

    Free Market Instruments Will Prove More Fruitful When Fighting Against the Fiat Regime

    Ron Paul explained in his paper called The Dollar Dilemma, published
    in July 2018, that free market instruments like bitcoin and precious
    metals can help destroy the fiat regime. Paul highlights that it is
    “conceivable that cryptocurrencies, using blockchain technology, and a
    gold standard could exist together, rather than posing an either-or
    choice — Different currencies may be used for certain transactions for
    efficiency reasons.” The former U.S. Senator continues:

    Ultimately, the market proves more powerful than government manipulation of economic events.

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society

    Central banks and the Fed are afraid of digital currencies like
    bitcoin because it’s the first time in history global participants have
    had access to a decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that’s
    powered by users with no central authority or middlemen. Banking cartels
    hate this because the Fed and other central banks control fiat
    currencies. Free market tools like cryptocurrencies remove central banks
    from their power to exert economic influence over an individual’s
    monetary choices. We may never understand why central bank operations
    can’t be voted on by global citizens and why we cannot choose our own

    Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society

    However, understanding the history of the world’s banking cartel will
    allow people to understand the game has been rigged for decades by the
    same banking families. If we play with fiat, then like a casino, the
    House of Morgan will likely always win. But the fact is that a widely
    adopted cryptocurrency could bring the power of money back into the
    hands of the people, rendering the current banking system irrelevant.

    source link

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