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    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    A growing number of governments have responded to Facebook’s
    cryptocurrency plans including China, France, India, Japan, South Korea,
    Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the U.K., and the U.S. Several
    intergovernmental organizations have also weighed in such as the
    European Central Bank and the Bank of International Settlements.

    Facebook’s Libra Project

    Facebook unveiled
    its plans last month for newly formed subsidiary Calibra which aims to
    provide financial services via the Libra network. “The first product
    Calibra will introduce is a digital wallet for Libra, a new global
    currency powered by blockchain technology. The wallet will be available
    in Messenger, Whatsapp and as a standalone app — and we expect to launch
    in 2020,” the social media giant announced. Calibra has been providing
    information to central banks worldwide regarding its Libra plans to
    create understanding and exchange information, according to Calibra CEO
    David Marcus.

    Regarding which countries Calibra will be available in, a Facebook
    spokesperson told news.Bitcoin.com on July 9 that “Calibra won’t be
    available in U.S.-sanctioned countries or countries that ban
    cryptocurrencies,” elaborating:

    The Libra blockchain will be global. It will be up to
    custodial wallet providers to determine where they will and will not

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    United States

    Lawmakers in the U.S. have been actively taking initiatives in
    response to Facebook’s Libra announcement. During his semi-annual
    testimony on monetary policy before the House of Representatives
    Financial Services Committee on July 10, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome
    Powell said:

    Libra raises many serious concerns regarding privacy, money laundering, consumer protection and financial stability.

    He added, “I don’t think the project can go forward” without
    addressing those concerns, noting that the Fed has established a working
    group to follow the project and is coordinating with other central
    banks across the globe.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
    Jerome Powell

    “Facebook has a couple billion-plus users, so I think you have for
    the first time the possibility of very broad adoption” of
    cryptocurrency, the Fed chair continued, emphasizing that any problems
    that could emerge through Libra “would arise to systemically important
    levels just because of the mere size of Facebook.”
    Five Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. Maxine Waters, chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, sent a letter
    to Facebook executives on July 2 “requesting an immediate moratorium on
    the implementation of Facebook’s proposed cryptocurrency and digital
    wallet,” the press release posted on the government’s website details.
    The announcement reads:

    Because Facebook is already in the hands of over a
    quarter of the world’s population, it is imperative that Facebook and
    its partners immediately cease implementation plans until regulators and
    Congress have an opportunity to examine these issues and take action.

    The letter continues: “During this moratorium, we intend to hold
    public hearings on the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency-based
    activities and explore legislative solutions. Failure to cease
    implementation before we can do so risks a new Swiss-based financial
    system that is too big to fail.”

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    The U.S. Senate Banking Committee is holding a hearing on Libra on
    July 16, followed by a House Financial Services Committee hearing the
    next day. Calibra’s Marcus is scheduled to testify before both
    committees. According to him, the subsidiary has applied for state money
    transmitter licenses and is registered with the U.S. Treasury
    Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

    In addition, more than 30 groups including the Consumer Federation of
    America, the Economic Policy Institute, and the U.S. PIRG have asked
    lawmakers to intervene with the project. “We call on Congress and
    regulators to impose a moratorium on Facebook’s Libra and related plans
    until the profound questions raised by the proposal are addressed,”
    their July 2 letter reads.


    The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) is paying “high attention” to
    Libra, said Wang Xin, director of the central bank’s research bureau,
    South China Morning Post reported on July 8. According to the news
    outlet, the director warned that Libra could have a major impact on
    monetary policy and financial stability, elaborating:

    Facebook’s plans to create its own cryptocurrency have
    forced China’s central bank into stepping up research into creating its
    own digital currency as Libra could potentially pose a challenge to
    Chinese cross-border payments, monetary policy and even financial

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    Mu Changchun, deputy director of the PBOC’s payments department, said
    that Libra “must be put under the oversight of monetary authorities,”
    Bloomberg reported the same day. He told the publication that, as a
    convertible cryptocurrency or a type of stablecoin, Libra “will not be
    sustainable without the support and supervision of central banks,”

    In the longer term, the yuan will be damaged by Libra if it’s not convertible.

    He further revealed that the central bank’s research team tested
    Libra’s code and found that it’s “still in an initial stage and the
    quality of the code isn’t stable,” and there are also questions such as
    whether Libra would use blockchain technology, the publication conveyed.


    India is currently deliberating
    on the regulatory framework for cryptocurrency, which was drafted by an
    interministerial committee headed by Finance Secretary and Secretary of
    Economic Affairs Subhash Chandra Garg. Bloomberg reported him as saying
    in an interview on July 6:

    Design of the Facebook currency has not been fully
    explained … But whatever it is, it would be a private cryptocurrency and
    that’s not something we have been comfortable with.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
    Subhash Chandra Garg

    The Indian government has not announced the crypto regulation, which has led to rumors such as a draft bill to ban cryptocurrencies. Further, the central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has prohibited
    regulated financial institutions from providing services to crypto
    businesses since September last year. The country’s supreme court is
    scheduled to hear a number of writ petitions against the RBI ban on July 23.
    In the meantime, the Facebook spokesperson confirmed to news.Bitcoin.com on July 9:

    There are no plans to offer Calibra in India.


    The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) published its answers to
    questions from Parliament regarding Libra on July 8. “It is in the early
    stages of development, with a number of issues to be worked out around
    its features, use cases, and governance arrangements,” the central bank
    wrote. “Like other regulators around the world, MAS will make an
    informed assessment of the potential benefits and risks of Libra once
    these details become clear.”

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    In Singapore, the Payment Services Act (PS Act) covers
    cryptocurrencies, as well as e-money, and domestic and cross-border fund
    transfers. The MAS clarified:

    Depending on its nature, Libra may be regulated under the
    PS Act, and be subject to requirements on anti-money laundering and
    countering the financing of terrorism imposed under the MAS Act.

    “As for personal data privacy, all entities operating in Singapore
    that collect personal data are subject to the requirements of the
    Personal Data Protection Act,” the central bank continued. “MAS will
    continue to engage Facebook on its plans for Libra, and consider
    appropriate regulatory responses once they are clear.”


    Facebook has requested a meeting with the Bank of Thailand (BOT) to
    seek authorization from the central bank to integrate Libra into the
    Thai financial system, according to Siritida Panomwon, Assistant
    Governor for Payment Systems Policy and Financial Technology Group at
    the BOT. Thailand has approximately 50 million registered Facebook
    users. At press time, the meeting has yet to be confirmed.

    Panomwon told the press on July 5 that a committee has been
    established to examine Libra. It comprises experts from the central
    bank’s foreign exchange, payments and legal teams, Xinhua reported. She
    was quoted as saying:

    The BOT will study Facebook’s whitepaper … because
    consumer benefits and risks incurred from the digital currency are the
    central bank’s main focus.

    Other than security concerns, the BOT will look into the stability of
    Libra’s value, currency model mechanism and public protection against
    fraud, she revealed. The bank has also set up a working group to study
    Libra, and is in discussion with the country’s Securities and Exchange
    Commission (SEC) and other related parties on the subject.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
    Praoporn Senanarong

    On July 8, SEC Assistant Secretary-General Praoporn Senanarong
    confirmed that the commission is preparing to discuss guidelines for
    Libra with the BOT since it is both an asset and a medium of exchange.
    She clarified that Libra is not under the supervision of the SEC based
    on the country’s current regulation for digital currencies.


    The Bank of Japan (BOJ) is concerned that “the difficult-to-regulate
    coin will pose a risk to financial systems while exploiting their
    existing structure at no cost,” Nikkei reported July 3. BOJ Governor
    Haruhiko Kuroda told reporters that he intends to “keep careful watch”
    for whether cryptocurrencies would gain acceptance as a method of
    payment, as well as how they might affect financial and payment systems.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    BOJ Deputy Governor Masayoshi Amamiya explained on July 5 that
    digital platform operators such as Facebook must comply with regulations
    on money laundering and risk management, Reuters reported. Noting that
    Facebook’s crypto plan is still sketchy, he urged central banks to be
    vigilant to the impact such moves could have on their country’s banking
    and settlement systems, emphasizing:

    As for Libra, we must bear in mind that the potential global user-base could be enormous.

    Meanwhile, Japan’s top financial regulator overseeing crypto exchange
    operators, the Financial Services Agency (FSA), is leaning on the view
    that Libra “is likely not to be a crypto asset,” Nikkei reported. The
    FSA previously told news.Bitcoin.com that under current regulations, stablecoins are not considered cryptocurrency.

    South Korea

    South Korea’s top financial regulator, the Financial Services
    Commission (FSC), published a report on “Understanding Libra and Related
    Trends” on July 8, Yonhap reported. The regulator explained:

    We have seen that Libra is more likely to be
    commercialized than existing virtual currencies … Libra will have a big
    impact on the existing financial system, banking industry and financial

    The report raises concerns that much of the detail about Libra is
    still unknown and there is a possibility that personal information will
    be leaked. Moreover, it notes that “If bank control is not achieved,
    Libra may turn into a money laundering solution.”

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency


    Cryptocurrency is currently unregulated in Russia, but the country
    plans to adopt the bill “On digital financial assets” which will
    regulate the use of cryptocurrencies in the country. Deputy Finance
    Minister Alexei Moiseev said that Russia will not have a separate
    regulation for Libra, Interfax reported on July 1. He described:

    There will be rules for all cryptocurrencies that are being traded.

    “That is, it will be possible to buy, sell, store it, but it cannot
    be used, in fact,” Moiseev was quoted as saying. “No one is going to
    ban. A large number of businesses ask when it will finally be possible
    to legally conduct an ICO transparently, this will definitely be
    regulated, permitted, and that’s all,” he added.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency
    Alexei Moiseev

    United Kingdom

    The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and other regulators have
    met Facebook representatives to discuss the plans for Libra. Christopher
    Woolard, the executive director of strategy and competition at the FCA,
    has highlighted a series of potential issues with Libra, from consumer
    protection and privacy concerns to financial market stability, the
    Guardian reported. Woolard asserted:

    Its size and scale will pose questions for society and
    government more generally about what is acceptable and desirable in this

    He clarified that the regulator would look at whether Libra and other
    crypto assets functioned in similar ways to other regulated investment
    vehicles, adding that “The issues raised here require deep thought and

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    Commenting on Libra at a meeting in Portugal, Bank of England
    Governor Mark Carney said that “Anything that works in this world will
    become instantly systemic and will have to be subject to the highest
    standards of regulation,” Bloomberg reported.

    France and the G7

    France’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said Libra would be fine if
    its use is limited to transactions, emphasizing that Facebook shouldn’t
    be allowed to create a sovereign currency, Reuters reported.

    France currently holds the rotating presidency of the G7. The
    country’s central bank governor, Francois Villeroy de Galhau, said on
    June 21 that a G7 task force will be created to study how central banks
    ensure cryptocurrencies like Facebook’s Libra are governed by
    regulations ranging from money-laundering laws to consumer protection
    rules. It would be led by European Central Bank board member Benoit
    Coeure. Villeroy told finance industry officials:

    We want to combine being open to innovation with firmness on regulation. This is in everyone’s interest.

    How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

    ECB and BIS

    Several intergovernmental organizations have also weighed in on
    Libra. European Central Bank Executive Board member Benoit Coeure said
    on July 7 that “Financial regulators must act fast to prepare for the
    push by U.S. tech giants such as Facebook Inc. into the financial
    system,” elaborating:

    It’s out of the question to allow them to develop in a
    regulatory void for their financial service activities, because it’s
    just too dangerous … We have to move more quickly than we’ve been able
    to do up until now.

    Coeure believes that the development of digital currencies is
    exposing deficiencies in existing regulation and the failure of the
    banking system to adopt new technology. He was quoted by Bloomberg as
    saying, “All these projects are a rather useful wake-up call for
    regulators and public authorities, as they encourage us to raise a
    number of questions and might make us improve the way we do things.”

    Meanwhile, the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based
    financial institution owned by 60 central banks, said last month that
    “Politicians need to quickly coordinate regulatory responses to new
    risks as Facebook and other tech firms move into finance.”

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