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    Unido - Leading the Race at Bridging Institutional Investors to Crypto Markets

     To demonstrate the use case and commercial viability of Unido Enterprise Platform (EP),
    it is helpful to compare with an established digital asset management
    platform which has built in DeFi options. Enzyme (MLN) has been selected
    for competitor comparison and analysis, given it launched in July 2016
    and provides similar services and features as EP, albeit delivered in
    very different formats.

    Enzyme is delivered in two parts, a front end website for asset
    management and an Ethereum-native blockchain protocol to deploy custom
    liquidity pools, allowing investors to deploy their digital assets
    (limited to Ethereum-based tokens) in yield returning activities,
    without the use of investment managers, hedge funds, or other fund
    management companies.

    Given on-chain assets on the Enzyme platform are governed by a
    client’s single private key, the product offering is only suitable for
    individuals willing to take responsibility for their private key. There
    is no multi party signoff or compatibility with 3rd party signing
    custodians, meaning partnerships comprising several members, or
    sophisticated organisations such as enterprises and asset managers are
    unable to utilise these types of solutions, due to lack of corporate
    governance processes around security and operation of transaction

    In comparison, the product offering of EP delivers an integrated
    custodial function, which is cross chain interoperable, and has
    blockchain-level multi party sign-off for private key operation, making
    it suitable for all investor classes, including the underserved
    enterprise and asset manager investor segment. EP offers a Defi
    dashboard, which aggregates various 3rd party yield farming and staking
    solutions over various digital assets on multiple blockchains, presented
    as an investment “market place”. EP will also include access to
    tokenized real assets, such as precious metals and hard assets,
    broadening the investment options beyond blockchain-native utility

    Unido - Leading the Race at Bridging Institutional Investors to Crypto Markets
    Enzyme Finance vs Unido summarized

    Despite Enzyme’s limitations regarding addressable market due to lack
    of key management solutions enabling sophisticated investors to use
    their platform, they have demonstrated; 1. Investors demand easy to use
    investment platforms to derive a yield from their digital assets, and 2.
    Investors are willing to pay fees to utilise such services.

    Enzyme has been extremely successful in attracting retail investors
    to their platform and have over $90 million in assets under management.
    In recognition of this AUM and future growth potential, the market has
    ascribed a market capitalisation of over $126mm to $MLN (the protocol
    governance token), based on a current token price of $69.41 (fully
    diluted value, as of 27/07/2021).

    In comparison, EP core technology is already built and the Defi
    dashboard will launch in 3Q2021 and is equipped with functionality to
    address a much wider client base. The fully diluted, post token burn
    market capitalization of $UDO (the utility token used for governance and
    services payment) is currently $7.36mm based on token price of $0.08
    (as of 27/07/2021).

    The Unido leadership team view Enzyme as an excellent example to show
    the commercial attractiveness of the asset management dashboard space
    in cryptocurrency. $MLN trades at a 17x premium to $UDO (as of
    27/07/2021), which would appear to be the result of

    Enzyme being in the market for several years, opposed to EP entering now.

    The Unido leadership team are very excited by $MLNs market appeal, given
    the EP product can compete directly with Enzyme for the retail investor
    segment, but also can win enterprise and asset manager business, which
    represents significantly greater AUM possibilities.

    About Unido

    Unido offers a
    suite of crypto custody solutions for enterprise and institutions, based
    on a state of the art fragmented private key signing engine, allowing
    distributed transaction signing at the blockchain level and providing
    corporate governance framework over crypto ownership.

    This level of corporate governance workflow and security technology
    is needed by sophisticated organizations to confidently take the leap
    into crypto, augmented with a Defi investing dashboard to make earning a
    yield on digital assets a point-and-click activity.

    source link : https://news.bitcoin.com/unido-leading-the-race-at-bridging-institutional-investors-to-crypto-markets/


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