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    Global Charity Organization Launches Crypto-Based Vouchers for Vulnerable Groups in Kenya, Ecuador

     The global charity organization, CARE, has created crypto-based
    vouchers that will be distributed to women and select groups in Africa
    and Latin America. According to CARE, these vouchers will be redeemable
    for goods, services or cash and linked to the needs of recipients. 

    However, in its statement
    announcing the launch of the pilot phase, the NGO reveals only groups
    in Kenya and Ecuador are set to participate. In Kenya, the vouchers will
    go to the “village savings and loans associations that are coping with
    the economic impact of COVID-19.” In Ecuador, the crypto vouchers will
    be distributed “to survivors or women at risk of gender-based violence.”

    Project Launched in Partnership With Crypto Organizations

    Commenting on the voucher launch, Christian Pennotti, the senior director for market-based approaches at CARE, said:

    We are excited to be working alongside Celo and Emerging
    Impact in Ecuador and Binance’s Blockchain Charity Foundation in Kenya
    to test new ways that these technologies can support people to navigate

    In addition to working with established crypto organizations, CARE says a separate partnership arrangement with Lab for Inclusive Fintech
    (LIFT) will “inform the design of a rigorous experimental evaluation of
    blockchain technology as a viable and effective option to deliver aid
    in developing countries.” The NGO also reveals that the Kenya and
    Ecuador pilots “will carry out focus groups to better understand trust,
    information barriers, and use of and opportunities for stablecoins.”

    While CARE says it is mindful of the risks that may be associated
    with cryptocurrencies, the NGO however insists its interest will be
    limited to the potential of this technology

    source link : https://news.bitcoin.com/global-charity-organization-launches-crypto-based-vouchers-for-vulnerable-groups-in-kenya-ecuador/


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