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    Crypto Funds Are Outperforming – You Shouldn’t Be Surprised

    Josh Gnaizda is the founder of Crypto Fund ResearchThe opinions expressed here are the author’s own. The
    following article originally appeared in Institutional Crypto by
    CoinDesk, a free weekly newsletter for institutional investors focused
    on crypto assets. You can sign up here.

    It’s one of the worst-kept secrets in the alternative investment
    industry: net of fees, hedge funds struggle to outperform broad equity

    In 2007, before bitcoin was even a glimmer in Satoshi Nakamoto’s eye,
    Warren Buffet famously bet a prominent fund of hedge fund manager $1
    million that over the subsequent decade, an S&P 500 index fund would
    outperform any basket of hedge funds he could put together. Buffet won

    It’s not that Buffet didn’t think there were capable investment
    managers out there; Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway has often been described
    as a giant hedge fund. Instead, his confidence relied on his intuition
    that between fees and trading costs, even the best hedge fund managers
    would struggle to beat a low-cost index fund.

    We might logically assume that crypto hedge funds, which generally
    have a 2 and 20 fee structure similar to that of their traditional
    counterparts, would suffer a similar fate.

    But since the beginning of 2017, when reliable data became available,
    the result has been quite the opposite. An equal-weighted index of
    crypto funds significantly outperformed bitcoin and most other crypto

    The CFR Crypto Fund Index tracks more than 40 crypto funds, mostly
    hedge funds, across a variety of strategies. It shows that even as
    bitcoin climbed about 1,000 percent between January 2017 and June 2019,
    crypto funds gained more than 1,400 percent.

    The outsized performance of crypto funds over this period might puzzle the Oracle of Omaha, a man who once described
    bitcoin as “rat poison squared.” Even without Buffet’s bias against
    crypto or hedge funds, there are a few reasons one might be surprised:

    • Performance fees are by nature punitive to returns during bullish periods

    • Creating a portfolio that can outperform skyrocketing single assets is no small feat

    • Crypto fund managers tend to be less experienced than their traditional counterparts

    Despite these apparent headwinds, crypto funds did outperform. So let’s examine these perceptions a bit more.

    Performance fees are too punitive in bull markets

    Few investment assets have ever experienced a 12-month bull run like that of crypto assets in 2017.

    That’s fantastic for fund managers taking home 20 percent of profits,
    but certainly eats away at returns. Several crypto funds returned more
    than 1,000 percent in 2017 – meaning by year-end a fund manager could
    have taken home more in fees than the fund had assets to start the year.

    Still, most crypto funds have a 2 and 20 fee structure similar to
    traditional hedge funds and many have high water marks (essentially to
    ensure managers don’t get paid for performance when a fund is below
    all-time high).

    So while crypto fund performance fees have been staggering in
    absolute terms, the fee structure is no more of a hindrance to crypto
    funds than to traditional hedge funds.

    Diversified portfolios struggle to keep up with single assets

    It’s hard to imagine any asset overshadowing bitcoin’s 12x
    performance in 2017. But that’s exactly what happened. Some other coins
    were up 100x or more. The Bitwise CCI 30 Index, which measures the
    performance of the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market cap, was up 42x.

    So how exactly did crypto funds outperform during 2017? They didn’t. Not even close.

    Crypto funds collectively returned a relatively underwhelming 1,000
    percent. Sure, these funds returned more in 2017 than traditional hedge
    funds have in the past 20 years. But everything is relative. And
    relative to top cryptocurrencies, crypto funds had a disappointing year.

    The story of crypto funds’ outperformance truly began when crypto
    winter cast a chill over the entire industry in 2018. Philanthropist and
    investor Shelby Cullom Davis said: “You make most of your money in a
    bear market, you just don’t realize it at the time.”

    It was one heck of a bear market.

    In 2018, bitcoin lost nearly 75 percent of its value. The CCI 30
    Index lost 85 percent. The CFR Crypto Fund Index, however, was down
    “only” 33 percent. Or put another way, while crypto funds preserved 4/6
    of their value, the CCI 30 maintained less than 1/6 of its value. As the
    chart above shows, this ability to preserve capital during 2018
    propelled the crypto fund index ahead of bitcoin and other

    From Q1 2017 through Q2 2019, the CFR Crypto Fund Index has returned
    1,430 percent. This easily bests bitcoin’s 1,022 percent return and
    narrowly surpasses the 1,413 percent of the CCI 30.

    Crypto funds lack experience

    After overcoming their fee structures and whipsawing crypto markets,
    crypto fund managers had a final hurdle to overcome: inexperience. It’s
    difficult to directly compare the total financial experience of managers
    across disciplines. However, we can look at the average age of funds.

    A recent study
    published by Loyola Marymount University (LMU) found the median age of
    traditional hedge funds was 52 months. This is a lifetime in the crypto
    world. No crypto funds in the CFR index have been operational for 52
    months and the median age is just 16 months.

    This inexperience should hurt crypto fund returns, right? Not
    necessarily. Somewhat counterintuitively, the same LMU study found
    traditional hedge fund returns decrease with age. And not by a
    negligible margin. Hedge fund returns in year one were more than triple
    those in year five. After year five, the study found, “some funds become
    liquidated and the pattern is somewhat mixed.”

    So inexperience, which would seem to be a significant headwind for
    crypto fund managers, may actually have been a tailwind propelling their
    performance past ahead of bitcoin and other benchmarks.

    Reasons for caution

    That crypto funds have outperformed various benchmarks is
    encouraging. But there’s also plenty of reason for institutions to
    remain cautious.

    The index covers barely one market cycle. Buffet’s index fund didn’t
    take the lead over hedge funds until year four of the ten-year bet.

    The index has less than 50 constituent funds. While the largest in
    the industry, it’s quite small compared to traditional hedge fund
    performance indices which can include thousands of funds.

    There are potential biases. Since reporting is voluntary, and the
    index includes less than 20 percent of eligible funds, we can reasonably
    assume that poorly performing funds are less likely to report. Funds
    with particularly poor performance might have already closed, creating a
    potential survivorship bias. Though not unique to crypto fund indices,
    these biases shouldn’t be overlooked by investors.

    Most crypto funds are quite small by traditional standards and it’s
    quite possible some strategies that perform well in illiquid markets
    will not support the same type of returns with more capital invested.
    Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund manages over $100
    billion. Crypto funds manage less than $20 billion collectively.

    Despite the potential issues, it’s encouraging that crypto hedge
    funds seem to have done more or less what they are supposed to, namely
    preserve capital in bear markets. And with the majority of crypto funds
    in the index now employing outside auditors, custodians and fund
    administrators, the industry is becoming less haphazard.

    The crypto fund industry is still very much in a maturation phase,
    but with proper due diligence, crypto funds may present institutions,
    particularly those unwilling or unable to directly custody cryptoassets,
    an appealing way to get exposure to the sector.

    Some decentralized architecture is said to have an “Oracle Problem”,
    but at least so far, crypto funds don’t seem to have an Oracle of Omaha

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