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    Federal Preemption or States’ Rights? Crypto Advocates Clash Over Regulatory Approaches

    is easy to think of the most prominent blockchain advocates as a united
    front, whose ranks are tightly closed in the face of the common enemy —
    a horde of fierce crypto critics, unwieldy regulators, anti-money
    laundering zealots, “bitcoin is a scam”-ers, and the stakeholders of the
    old, centralized financial system. On this battlefield, the crypto
    camp’s fundamental positions are aligned, and its strategic goals are
    clear. However, in the times of armistice, blockchain champions get
    together by the campfire to ponder the important details of their common
    cause, and — astonishingly — at times, they disagree.

    This time around, the metaphorical campfire was lit at the MIT Technology Review's Business of Blockchain 2019 conference, which took place on May 2 on the premises of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab. One of the panels saw Caitlin Long — the woman who is spearheading Wyoming’s transformation
    into what she herself called the “Delaware of crypto law” — have a
    deferential yet rather intense exchange with Coin Center’s director of
    research, Peter Van Valkenburgh, one of the industry’s most eloquent speakers who is known for many notable deeds — for example, standing up for crypto to a bully last October.

    The panel, which also featured MIT professor and former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Gary Gensler,
    was on crypto regulation, and the main point of contention was whether
    it is better done on the federal or state level. While they were
    ultimately concerned about the same thing — i.e., the backwardness of
    the United States’ regulatory environment that can chase promising
    startups away to more friendly jurisdictions — Long and Van Valkenburgh
    offered two drastically different visions of the best way to go about
    the issue.

    Hurdles on all levels

    The tension over the
    boundaries of federal vs. state authority has informed American politics
    since the foundation of the republic. In the realms of commerce and
    finance, a relative balance was achieved when the states assumed
    jurisdiction over the “consumer-facing” commercial law while the
    agencies of federal government came to oversee operations with more
    specialized, “institutional” financial instruments — such as securities
    (Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC),
    futures and options (Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC), and
    broad financial crimes (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FinCEN).

    has become a truism that, for crypto enterprises in the U.S.,
    navigating the regulatory landscape is about as easy as making it
    blindfolded through a minefield. All the agencies mentioned above are
    interested in some subset of digital assets: The CFTC is eyeing smart
    contract-powered futures options; the SEC is struggling to decide
    whether all initial token offerings are under its purview, or just some
    of them; and FinCEN, facing the need to investigate money laundering
    schemes and shady transactions, understands crypto assets as something
    it is used to dealing with (i.e., money). In addition, the Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS) is treating crypto as property for the taxing purposes, which means that capital gains and losses come into play.

    To top it all off, individual states have begun to institute guidelines and regulations of their own, with Wyoming blazing the trail
    by establishing its own classification of tokens. This is not a small
    deal, either, since companies operating online automatically fall under
    jurisdiction of every state whose residents they serve — meaning that
    now they have to comply with state regulations, too.

    This chaos is
    due to the fact that there is no universally agreed-upon, federally
    enforced definition of a digital asset. While it would come in handy if
    one existed — for the purposes of delineating the boundaries of
    different national regulatory bodies’ jurisdiction over different types
    of tokens — it is also an arduous task to formulate such a definition,
    let alone to steamroll such a bill through Congress. The last few months
    saw continuous attempts on behalf of a group of blockchain-conscious members of Congress to introduce more clarity with a bill known as the Token Taxonomy Act.

    crypto community, though, seems to be divided over not just the bill
    itself but the very idea of a Congress-enacted, binding definition of a
    digital token with a claim of federal preemption. Some critics point out
    that, absent a clear understanding of terms and a sufficient corpus of
    case law on the matter, it is nearly impossible for a bill to define
    central concepts around crypto assets in a way that would eliminate
    dreadful ambiguity when enforced. Others, including
    Caitlin Long, argue that it is not the federal government’s business
    altogether, and an attempt by Congress to introduce such a taxonomy
    would amount to an infringement on states’ rights. Long’s talk at the
    MIT Technology Review event, her polemic with Van Valkenburgh at the
    panel, and a subsequent interview to Cointelegraph provide a closer look
    at the “states’ rights” argument that she stands by.

    Financializing crypto assets

    very simply, there are two major elements in regulations that bind
    financial firms: those related to consumer protection and prudential
    regulations, which are rules that dictate the need for such firms to be
    able to handle risks and hold sufficient assets. One of the central
    theses that Long advanced throughout the conference is that the
    inadequacy of current U.S. crypto regulation stems from overemphasizing
    the consumer protection side while ignoring the solvency issues.

    her talk, entitled “The Financialization of Cryptoassets,” Long
    explained that many digital assets do not qualify as securities, hence
    they should be treated as property. Commercial law related to property
    was mainly formulated in the age when all possessions were tangible,
    which warrants the need for updating this legal area so as to define
    digital assets — or to “financialize” them.

    The key difference
    between the traditional financial system and blockchain-based systems is
    the way custody and settlement work. Normally, people do not own the
    shares in their brokerage accounts. Instead, they own IOUs (“I owe you”)
    from their brokers, who own IOUs from custodians, etc. With this murky
    chain of ownership, it is not uncommon that several entities have claims
    on one asset; it is often impossible to tell where exactly the asset is
    at the moment; and finally, settlement can take days.

    None of
    these are an issue with digital assets: You can own them directly, they
    are easily traceable and settlement takes minutes. All that this novel
    type of property needs is to be treated as such, and to have sound
    regulation of custody. In Long’s opinion, not only are states in a
    better position than the federal government to ensure both, but they
    have the priority to do so.

    The panel: state vs. federal

    regulatory panel ensued, now featuring Peter Van Valkenburgh and Gary
    Gensler alongside Caitlin Long. The Wyoming native kicked off the
    discussion with the same sentiment that permeated her talk:

    “States control commercial law.”

    Center’s Van Valkenburgh responded that his uneasiness with state-level
    crypto regulation comes from the fact that, in many cases, it boils
    down to states applying archaic money transmitter laws and licensing
    requirements to crypto businesses. As a result, instead of having just
    one federal authority to deal with, successful fintech companies that
    maintain presence in all of the United States have to “have 54 awkward
    conversations” with regulators instead of just one. And because money
    transmitter laws are outdated, they also do not do much to protect the

    When MIT’s Gensler attempted to dwell on the consumer
    protection side for a little longer, Van Valkenburgh retorted that
    state-level regulation is not the sharpest tool to combat things like
    money laundering, either: When it comes to financial crimes, states
    cooperate with the federal regulator, FinCEN, who applies federal
    legislation — i.e., the Bank Secrecy Act. Coin Center’s Van Valkenburgh
    also argued that managing custodial risks on the state level is not a
    great idea, since such processes are better handled by specialized
    federal authorities, such as the SEC or CFTC. In sum, Van Valkenburgh
    contended that it is better to have a clear-cut, uniform federal
    regulation than a host of disparate, state-specific regulatory regimes.

    Long came back, criticizing some hard-regulating jurisdictions like New
    York that spend extensive resources on consumer protection and
    anti-fraud regulation of crypto while caring much less about solvency
    and allowing
    established financial institutions like Merrill Lynch to get away with
    trading assets that they do not hold. She described the forthcoming
    Wyoming crypto custody rules, which she sees as a way to maintain direct
    ownership of digital assets and preserve the powerful advantage of
    blockchain-powered systems over traditional finance.

    Grounded in
    the common law notion of bailment, this type of custody will entail
    handing the keeper possession of the asset, but not the title. Long
    likened this type of arrangement to valet parking, where the only thing
    the custodian can do is to take the vehicle to a safe storage space.

    Van Valkenburgh and Gensler didn’t sound convinced that solving the
    custody part of the puzzle would automatically resolve all the consumer
    protection issues. However, Van Valkenburgh begrudgingly conceded that
    state-level regulation could make sense, but only if every state adopted
    a “rational approach.” In turn, Long suggested that, “if we do it on
    federal level through Congress, we will get the worst-case scenario,” to
    which Van Valkenburgh responded that there seem to be enough reasonable
    policymakers on the Hill, and that the situation might not be all that

    In an interview with Cointelegraph after the panel, Long
    doubled down on how the egregious Merrill Lynch situation demonstrated
    New York authorities’ application of double standards: The firm was able
    to walk away from doing essentially the same that Bitfinex has been
    recently accused
    of doing, but with a much harsher potential fallout. The fact that
    regulators are going much harder on Bitfinex suggests that they might be
    picking on crypto enterprises. She also drew a line within the crypto
    industry itself, distinguishing between highly leveraged exchanges,
    which would be unable to comply with the new Wyoming statutes, and those
    that are “truly solvent,” and which will likely end up in the state.

    Finally, Long commented on Van Valkenburgh’s pro-federal regulation approach, suggesting that:

    is putting the convenience of large financial institutions in this
    sector ahead of reality that property laws are purview of the state. It
    is very unlikely, to be honest, that there’s going to be a federal money
    transmission statute, because states are going to fight it. It usurps
    their long-established supremacy over property law and long-established
    supremacy over commercial law.”

    As it is visible in
    this discussion, sometimes debates over blockchain regulation invoke
    matters more fundamental than simply the best way to organize
    socioeconomic relations enabled by new technology. At times these
    disputes spill over to the contested ground of federal-state government
    jurisdiction, or to judgments on whether Congress is better equipped to
    handle certain matters than state legislatures — the issues as deeply
    ingrained in the political fabric of the U.S. as the antagonism between
    the democratic and republican principles in its constitution. At this
    point, it becomes a matter of deep ideological convictions.

    On the
    more practical side, Long’s fresh focus on the balance between consumer
    protection and prudential regulations with regard to crypto could be a
    new way for the industry to articulate and frame its policy woes.
    Another thing to watch for is if, as Wyoming
    proceeds with its groundbreaking legislation, progressive digital
    custody lives up to the hopes that the state’s crypto pioneers have set
    on it.

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