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    SEC vs. Ripple: A predictable but undesirable development

    Such regulation by enforcement does indeed run the risk of stifling important and valuable innovation in the crypto space.



     he U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not been kind to crypto in the past year. In March 2020, in the SEC v. Telegram
    case, the Commission won a worldwide injunction against the proposed
    issuance of Grams by Telegram, undoing years of innovative work even in
    the absence of any allegations of fraud. Then, on the last day of
    September 2020, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein dashed the hopes of Kik
    Interactive by ruling in favor of the SEC’s motion for summary judgment
    in SEC v. Kik Interactive,
    halting the sale of Kin crypto tokens. Both of these actions were filed
    in the Southern District of New York. On Dec. 22, 2020, the SEC decided
    that it was time to initiate another high-profile action,
    filing in the same district against Ripple Labs and its initial and
    current CEOs, Christian Larsen and Bradly Garlinghouse, respectively,
    for raising more than $1.38 billion through the sale of XRP since 2013.

    The initial fallout from this action has been swift and severe: 24 hours after the lawsuit was filed, the price of XRP was down almost 25%. This still left XRP ranked fourth on CoinMarketCap, with a total market capitalization of over $10.5 billion.

    The complaint

    its complaint, the Commission paints a straightforward pattern of sales
    of XRP that were never registered with the SEC or made pursuant to any
    exemption from registration. From the perspective of the Commission,
    this amounts to a sustained practice of illegal sales of unregistered,
    non-exempt securities under Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933.

    readers not familiar with legal procedure, it might seem unusual for
    the case to be brought in a New York federal court, especially since
    Ripple is headquartered in California, and both named individuals reside
    there. However, Ripple has an office in the Southern District of that
    state, some statements were made by Garlinghouse while he was present in
    New York, and significant sales of XRP were made to New York residents.
    In legal parlance, this would make venues in the Southern District of
    New York appropriate.

    In addition, it might be surprising to some
    that both Larsen and Garlinghouse were named personally in an action
    that seeks primarily to recover for XRP allegedly sold illegally by
    Ripple, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, XRP II LLC. They are named
    both because they individually also sold significant volumes of XRP —
    1.7 billion by Larsen and 321 million by Garlinghouse — and because the
    SEC contends they “aided and abetted” Ripple in its sales.

    and abetting is a cause of action that depends on a primary violation by
    a third party, in which the aider and abettor voluntarily and knowingly
    participates with the goal of assisting in the venture’s success. In
    this case, Ripple would be the primary violator, and both Larsen and
    Garlinghouse are alleged to have substantially participated in the
    pattern of Ripple’s XRP sales, with the goal of allowing the company to
    raise funds without registering XRP under the federal securities laws or
    complying with any available exemption from registration.

    bulk of the complaint provides an overview of digital assets, details
    the SEC’s version of the history of Ripple and its marketing efforts
    with regard to XRP, illustrates how in the opinion of the Commission,
    XRP satisfies the elements of the Howey investment contract test
    under the federal securities laws, and seeks to demonstrate how Larsen
    and Garlinghouse participated in the on-going sales efforts.

    addition to disgorgement of all “ill-gotten gains,” the requested order
    would permanently ban the named defendants from ever selling
    unregistered XRP or participating in any way in the sale of
    unregistered, non-exempt securities. It would also prohibit them from
    participating in the offering of any digital asset securities, and it
    seeks unspecified civil monetary penalties.

    A brief history of Ripple and XRP

    idea behind the current XRP dates back to late 2011 or early 2012,
    before the company changed its name to Ripple. The XRP Ledger, or
    software code, operates as a peer-to-peer database, spread across a
    network of computers that records data about transactions, among other
    things. In order to achieve consensus, each server on the network
    evaluates proposed transactions from a subset of nodes it trusts not to
    defraud it. Those trusted nodes are known as the server’s unique node
    list, or UNL. Although each server defines its own trusted nodes, the
    XRP Ledger requires a high degree of overlap between the trusted nodes
    chosen by each server. To facilitate this overlap, Ripple publishes a
    proposed UNL.

    Upon the completion of the XRP Ledger in December
    2012, and as its code was being deployed to the servers that would run
    it, a fixed supply of 100 billion XRP was set and created at little
    cost. Of those XRP, 80 billion were transferred to Ripple and the
    remaining 20 billion XRP went to a group of founders, including Larsen.
    At this point in time, Ripple and its founders controlled 100% of XRP.

    that these choices represent a compromise between the fully
    decentralized, peer-to-peer network that was envisioned when Bitcoin (BTC)
    was first announced and a fully centralized network with a single
    trusted intermediary such as a conventional financial institution. In
    addition, Bitcoin was never designed or intended to be held or
    controlled by a single entity. In contrast, all XRP was originally
    issued to the company that created it and that company’s founders. This
    hybrid approach to a blockchain-based digital asset and more
    conventional assets created and controlled by a single entity led some
    crypto enthusiasts to complain that XRP was not a “true” cryptocurrency at all.

    to the SEC’s complaint, from 2013 through 2014, Ripple and Larsen made
    efforts to create a market for XRP by having Ripple distribute
    approximately 12.5 billion XRP through bounty programs that paid
    programmers compensation for reporting problems in the XRP Ledger’s
    code. As part of these calculated steps, Ripple distributed small
    amounts of XRP — typically between 100 and 1,000 XRP per transaction —
    to anonymous developers and others to establish a trading market for

    Ripple then began more systematic efforts to increase
    speculative demand and trading volume for XRP. Starting in at least
    2015, Ripple decided that it would seek to make XRP a “universal
    [digital] asset” for banks and other financial institutions to effect
    money transfers. According to the SEC, this meant that Ripple needed to
    create an active, liquid XRP secondary trading market. It, therefore,
    expanded its efforts to develop a use for XRP while increasing sales of
    XRP into the market.

    At about this time, Ripple Labs, and its subsidiary, XRP II LLC, came under investigation by the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, acting pursuant to its mandates in the Bank Secrecy Act,
    or BSA. Acting in conjunction with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the
    Northern District of California, the two companies were charged with
    failing to comply with various BSA requirements, including failure to
    register with FinCEN and failure to implement and maintain proper
    Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer protocols. According to
    FinCEN, Ripple’s failure to comply with these FinCEN requirements was
    facilitating the use of XRP by money launderers and terrorists.

    action did not proceed to trial, with Ripple Labs settling the charges
    by agreeing to pay a $700,000 fine and further agreeing to take
    immediate remedial steps to bring the companies into compliance with BSA
    requirements. The settlement was announced
    by FinCEN on May 5, 2015. The major contention of FinCEN throughout its
    investigation was that XRP was a digital currency. Ripple acceded to
    this position and has since worked to comply with BSA requirements.

    the same time, as noted in the SEC’s complaint, from 2014 through the
    third quarter of 2020, the company sold at least 8.8 billion XRP in the
    market and institutional sales, raising approximately $1.38 billion to
    fund its operations. In addition, the complaint asserts that from 2015
    through at least March 2020, while Larsen was an affiliate of Ripple as
    its CEO and later chairman of the board, Larsen and his wife sold over
    1.7 billion XRP to public investors in the market. Larsen and his wife
    netted at least $450 million from those sales. From April 2017 through
    December 2019, while an affiliate of Ripple as CEO, Garlinghouse sold
    over 321 million XRP he had received from Ripple to public investors in
    the market, generating approximately $150 million from those sales.

    XRP is not like Bitcoin or Ether

    preceding description paints a picture of a digital asset that is
    widely held by persons scattered around the globe. In the case of both
    Bitcoin and Ether (ETH),
    this kind of decentralization was apparently enough to convince the SEC
    that those two digital assets should not be regulated as securities. As
    Director Bill Hinman of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance explained in June of 2018:

    the network on which the token or coin is to function is sufficiently
    decentralized — where purchasers would no longer reasonably expect a
    person or group to carry out essential managerial or entrepreneurial
    efforts — the assets may not represent an investment contract. Moreover,
    when the efforts of the third party are no longer a key factor for
    determining the enterprise’s success, material information asymmetries
    recede. As a network becomes truly decentralized, the ability to
    identify an issuer or promoter to make the requisite disclosures becomes
    difficult, and less meaningful. […] The network on which Bitcoin
    functions is operational and appears to have been decentralized for some
    time, perhaps from inception. Applying the disclosure regime of the
    federal securities laws to the offer and resale of Bitcoin would seem to
    add little value.”

    This kind of analysis does not really
    work for XRP, most of which continues to be owned by the company that
    created it, where the company continues to have significant influence
    over which nodes will serve as trusted validators for transactions, and
    where the company continues to play a significant role in the
    profitability and viability of the asset. Part of that role will now, of
    course, involve responding to this latest SEC initiative.

    The court’s probable reaction

    for Ripple and its former and current CEOs, the SEC has a strong case
    that XRP fits within the Howey investment contract test. Derived from
    the 1946 Supreme Court decision
    in SEC v. W. J. Howey, this test holds that you have bought a security
    if you: (1) make an investment (2) of money or something else of value,
    (3) in a common enterprise, (4) with the expectation of profits, (5)
    from the essential managerial efforts of others. Most of the purchasers
    of XRP, or certainly a very large number of them, would appear to fit
    within each of these categories.

    Ripple raised more than $1.38
    billion from the sale of XRP, so it is abundantly clear that purchasers
    were paying something of value. Moreover, as there was no effort to
    limit purchasers to the amount of XRP that they might reasonably “use”
    for anything other than investment purposes, that element appears likely
    to be present as well. The fact that the fortunes of all the investors
    rise and fall together along with the value of XRP in the marketplace
    should satisfy the commonality requirement.

    The complaint
    highlights a number of things that Ripple has done to promote
    profitability, including statements that it has made, all of which
    suggest that a reason for purchasing XRP is the potential for
    appreciation. The limited functionality of XRP in comparison to its
    trading supply is another reason to believe that most purchasers were
    buying for investment, seeking to make a profit.

    Finally, the
    significant on-going involvement and role of the company, especially
    given its huge continuing ownership interest in XRP, means that there is
    a strong case to be made that the profitability of XRP is highly
    dependent on the efforts of Ripple. All of this points to the reality
    that, under the Howey Test, XRP is likely to be a security.

    Ripple’s response to the SEC’s action

    response to the SEC’s enforcement action came even before the SEC’s
    complaint was officially filed. On Dec. 21, Garlinghouse tweeted
    out a condemnation of the SEC’s planned action, criticizing the agency
    for picking favorites and trying to “limit US innovation in the crypto
    industry to BTC and ETH.” Soon after, Ripple’s general counsel, Stuart
    Alderoty, gave
    a strong indication of how the company was likely to respond in the
    pending matter by pointing out the 2015 FinCEN issue, which he claimed
    was a government determination that XRP was a digital currency rather
    than a security under the Howey Test.

    classification as a digital currency does not necessarily preclude
    regulation as a security. As another New York district court decided in
    the 2018 case of CFTC v. McDonnell,
    in the context of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s authority
    to regulate digital assets, “Federal agencies may have concurrent or
    overlapping jurisdiction over a particular issue or area.”

    even though FinCEN regulates crypto as a digital asset, the CFTC may
    treat it as a commodity; the SEC may regulate it as a security; and the
    Internal Revenue Service may tax it as property. All at the same time.


    comment should not be taken as approval of the SEC’s current approach
    and relative hostility to crypto offerings. As the SEC’s complaint
    notes, the XRP sales that are now being questioned took place over many
    years. The initial sales date back to 2013, which had happened
    considerably before the SEC first publicly announced its position that
    digital assets should be regulated as securities if they fit within the
    Howey investment contract analysis, which did not come until 2017 with The DAO Report.
    Moreover, since 2015, Ripple has been proceeding in accordance with the
    settlement reached with FinCEN. Since that time, Ripple has worked to
    bring its operations into compliance with BSA requirements, operating as
    if XRP is a currency rather than a security.

    source link : https://cointelegraph.com/news/sec-vs-ripple-a-predictable-but-undesirable-development



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