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    Crypto Long & Short: Where Fintech Ends and Crypto Begins

    An interesting op-ed by Leah Callon-Butler in CoinDesk this week got me to change my mind about something pretty fundamental. 

    She asked: “Is crypto fintech?”

    instinctive answer was “no!” For me, fintech is technology applied to
    finance, while cryptocurrency is a technology unto itself. That
    technology is giving rise to a new type of finance.

    You’re reading Crypto Long & Short,
    a newsletter that looks closely at the forces driving cryptocurrency
    markets. Authored by CoinDesk’s head of research, Noelle Acheson, it
    goes out every Sunday and offers a recap of the week – with insights and
    analysis – from a professional investor’s point of view. 
    You can subscribe here.

    something about that rationale felt a bit glib, so I wrestled with it
    some more. And then some more. And after way too long staring at the
    screen and wrinkling my forehead, I may be taking tentative steps into
    the “yes” camp, but with some heavy caveats.

    What is 'fintech'?

    To start, let’s look closer at what we mean by “fintech.” 

    term is the portmanteau of “financial” and “technology,” and most
    definitions stress the latter’s influence on finance. “Finance” is usually defined as “the management of money.”

    crypto help with the management of money? Although they may have
    money-like qualities, cryptocurrencies are not yet generally recognized
    as such* as they are not widely accepted as a medium of exchange. Yet,
    they can help move money around, allow it to express opinions in new
    forms and generate returns in creative ways.

    Of all the definitions of fintech from official organizations that I’ve read, the Financial Stability Board’s choice of words
    is perhaps the most inclusive: “Technologically enabled financial
    innovation that could result in new business models, applications,
    processes or products with an associated material effect on financial
    markets and institutions and the provision of financial services.”

    business models. Check. New applications and processes. Check.
    Associated material effect on financial markets and institutions. Double

    “technologically enabled financial innovation” part is perhaps
    problematic, as crypto is about so much more than “financial
    innovation,” but it’s not wrong.

    What is 'crypto'?

    should probably define “crypto” as well. The term originates with
    cryptography, which has to do with the security of information, and is
    widely used in its abbreviated form to refer to all things blockchain,
    including cryptocurrencies, tokens, smart contracts, etc.

    Most of these concepts are being adopted by the financial world to try to re-imagine how securities move, how companies can raise funds, and even how currencies function.

    past week Standard Chartered, about as “traditional finance” as you can
    get (its origins go back to 1853), announced the pending launch of a
    crypto custody service. More details are emerging on the plans of
    PayPal, long a darling of the fintech sector, to offer crypto services.
    MUFG, Japan’s largest banking firm, is developing its own crypto token
    for use in a smartphone payment app. 
    In his timely report for crypto API provider Zabo called “Fintech
    Adoption of Cryptocurrency,” Alex Treece highlights how the rolling out
    of crypto-asset services boosted valuations of fintech firms Robinhood,
    Revolut and Square. Visa issued a statement
    this week in which it bragged that it was “reshaping how money moves
    across the globe,” and in the very next sentence talked about the
    “exciting avenue” of digital currencies. 

    fintech seems to be increasingly embracing crypto. But is crypto
    fintech? It does seem to be becoming part of the fintech set. It is a
    technology impacting how finance is handled. So, in some ways it is –
    but it’s also more than that.

    Time for a refresh?

    should note that the term “fintech” is trying to put an edgy spin on an
    age-old concept. Financial innovation is not new, as material changes
    to how money is managed were triggered by the telegraph, telephone,
    centralized ticker service, complex derivatives and more.

    in its modern application, it is becoming outdated because there are
    few traditional finance firms that don’t already heavily rely on new
    technologies to reach and grow client bases.

    the impact of crypto-based innovation on our understanding and
    application of financial concepts, surely we can come up with something
    better. Using a tired catch-all for something so significant is like
    trying to put a formidable force into a tidy bucket. 

    far, the technologies making the biggest waves in fintech are the
    internet and AI – they are game changing, for sure, but their innovation
    stems from the creation and treatment of radically new types of data.

    is also a data innovation, but it goes much further – it’s an
    innovation of authority. And since the power of finance stems from the
    authority conferred to it and by it, the potential impact of crypto goes
    beyond what previous technologies have managed to achieve.

    technologies we apply to finance matter, as technology shapes what we
    do and how we do it. The internet, for instance, changed how we carry
    out age-old activities such as writing letters or grocery shopping. It
    also gave rise to entirely new activities such as video conferencing and
    fighting zombies (at least I think that’s new).

    has been a transformative force; changing financial habits and
    attracting new audiences is no small feat. Crypto should be thrilled
    that it is being thought of as a tool that could join mainstream
    financial innovation. Yet it is not going to settle for just that.

    impact of new technologies on how we handle money should not be
    underestimated. But no technology until now has attempted to change our
    understanding of money.

    (*As I’m writing this, it has just been revealed that bitcoin is now considered money in the context of money transmission licensing, only in Washington D.C.)

    Anyone know what's going on yet?

    This week in markets had both good news and bad.

    the good news, they say times of crisis bring people closer together.
    The European rescue package was seen as a step toward greater fiscal
    unity, and has boosted investor sentiment in European markets and in the

    at time of writing, S&P 500 year-to-date returns are now in
    positive territory, which is astonishing. Easy money is obviously a more
    powerful market driver than high unemployment, geopolitical tensions
    and uncertain growth.

    The dollar, on the other hand, is trending weaker
    against most major currencies, and looks headed toward its worst month
    since early 2018. The COVID-19 case tally continues to go from bad to
    worse, China-U.S. relations have hit a new low and the likelihood that
    the global economy might not bounce back after all seems to finally be
    sinking in. 


    Source: CoinDesk Research, FactSet

    Bitcoin seems to finally be moving out of its doldrums, rising over the weekend to reach a gain of almost 10% on the week. Could this be the reawakening of crypto animal spirits?


    This news is potentially a very big deal: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) said in a public letter that any national bank can now custody digital assets for its clients.

    • Until now,
      custody has been the province of specialist firms, which typically
      needed a state license, such as a trust charter, to offer the service to
      institutional investors. Now, large, regulated financial companies that
      already provide similar safekeeping services for stock certificates and
      the like could broaden their service.

    • Many institutional
      investors are probably more likely to use a custodian they are already
      familiar with and who has a line to federal dollars, a
      better-capitalized balance sheet and bankruptcy rules that protect
      customer assets.

    • Caitlin Long points out
      there is still legal uncertainty for banks transacting with crypto
      assets in the U.S., because commercial law treatment of many crypto
      assets is still unclear.

    • She also explains why
      a bank license totally trumps a trust charter and New York’s BitLicense
      when it comes to crypto custody, and that existing custodians are going
      to have to merge with banks to stay competitive.

    • Also, it is probably more efficient for banks to buy the technology and expertise than try to build it from scratch.

    • It
      is not clear whether banks will be allowed to extend their custody
      services to cover the rapidly growing demand for staking, in which
      digital assets are locked up in specific wallets for governance
      purposes, in exchange for a yield. 

    • A significant component of
      banks’ custody services for traditional assets includes securities
      lending – will they also enter the crypto lending business?

    • Alex Mascioli, head of institutional services for digital asset prime broker Bequant, reminded us we should not expect a stampede of traditional banks into the crypto asset space – most don’t care.

    • My colleagues Nik De and Ian Allison spoke to Washington insiders
      who agree that banks are unlikely to move quickly here, and that larger
      financial institutions are likely to want more reassurance before they
      enter the space.

    • The OCC is currently headed up by Brian Brooks, a former executive at crypto exchange Coinbase. We expected him to attempt to push forward
      crypto-friendly reform, but to be honest I didn’t think he’d be able to
      get something this significant through so quickly. This leaves me
      optimistic that there may be more positive surprises in store. 

    Standard Chartered has revealed that its venture and innovation arm has been working on a crypto custody offering for the institutional market and the first pilot could launch later this year. TAKEAWAY:
    This is the most significant step from a large incumbent into the
    crypto markets so far – Standard Chartered is present in 70 countries,
    and is one of the 100 largest companies in terms of market cap listed on
    the London Stock Exchange. Apparently it was considering setting up a
    crypto marketplace, but realized that a significant barrier for its
    clients was the lack of big-balance-sheet custody services. So far,
    about 20 institutions have expressed interest, according to the company,
    which is not insignificant but nor is it a huge amount. It remains to
    be seen how this strategy fits in with its recent investment in Switzerland-based institutional crypto custodian Metaco.

    a crypto-focused financial company known as a Special Purpose
    Depositary Institution (SPDI) based in Wyoming and founded by long-time
    crypto advocate Caitlin Long, will launch in October. TAKEAWAY: Avanti
    aims to compete with traditional banks for crypto business, and has a
    head start, not just in terms of its crypto credibility (Caitlin Long
    has been instrumental in pushing forward blockchain-friendly legislation
    in Wyoming, which other states are starting to emulate). It also has
    the flexibility to innovate on how banking works, and has started with a
    token called the Avit. Details are still thin, but it seems like it will be a digital token for settlement purposes, not pegged to the U.S. dollar but issued by a bank under existing U.S. commercial laws, which confer transaction finality. I’m looking forward to learning more about this.

    The price of ether, ethereum’s native token, has more than doubled so far this year, dwarfing bitcoin’s +34% rise. But its fees have risen by much more,
    signalling growing congestion on the network. ETH fees are now
    averaging well over $1 per transaction, up from just $0.04 at the
    beginning of the year. TAKEAWAY: Proposals are in the
    works to reform the fee structure, and the whole network is heading
    toward a profound technology change that should solve the scaling
    problem (we dive into the upcoming change in detail in our latest report
    “Ethereum 2.0: How It Works and Why It Matters”).
    These changes will take time, however, and escalating fees tend to
    eventually choke activity on a network. For now, though, the transaction
    count is showing no signs of abating. Worth watching.


    yes, we're also wondering what the fee spikes were for...
    Source: Coin Metrics

    The universe of listed crypto companies is still small (my colleague Matt Yamamoto has written reports on two of them: Ebang and Hut 8), but that could well change in the very near future. TAKEAWAY: With Ant Financial listing
    on the Hong Kong and Shanghai exchanges, and a rumored Coinbase listing
    in the offing, there could soon be high-market-cap opportunities for
    all types of investors. An argument can be made that this would be even
    better for the sector than a bitcoin ETF, as funds flowing into listed
    crypto companies would spread mainstream investment across a range of
    crypto assets and blockchain applications, rather than just bitcoin.

    get an idea of the potential impact of even a teensy portion of U.S.
    equity investment reaching the crypto sector, my colleague Shuai Hao
    prepared this scorching graphic:


    A bit of universal perspective...
    Source: Shuai Hao

    And for any current or future token enthusiasts out there who have kids (or were once one themselves), you can now get a Dr. Seuss collectible non-fungible token (NFT) of your very own. TAKEAWAY: NFTs may sound like a quirky niche application now, but they could end up playing a significant role in markets through the creation of investment opportunities in art,
    for instance. Or, and here it could get even more interesting, in
    identity applications. An NFT basically enjoys all the same advantages
    of blockchain-based tokens (ease of transfer, traceability, sovereign
    control, etc.) – but there is a verifiably limited number. It could be
    one, it could be 10 or 100, but the scarcity and lack of fungibility are
    part of the value proposition.


    if you thought CryptoKitties were cute...
    Source: Dapper Labs

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