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    Is US Environmental Tax Policy Hindering Solar Power to Fuel Digital Technologies?

    Society is now witnessing the implementation of digital
    currencies, AI and blockchain technology worldwide. These new digital
    technologies, necessitate very high consumption of electric energy,
    currently produced with coal and fossil fuels with adverse environmental
    effects. A global shift towards green energy will require the removal
    of the technological/infrastructure, financial and regulatory/tax policy
    barriers. In a series of articles, we will evaluate the tax, digital
    technology and solar policies (including space power satellites) of the
    top CO2 emitting countries.

    The United States is at the forefront of blockchain and artificial intelligence
    (AI) technology adoption — both the government and private industry.
    And Bitcoin’s volatility recovery is fueling this process. 

    According to reports,
    the United States government spending on blockchain is expected to
    Increase by 1,000% between 2017 and 2022, while U.S. investors are expected
    to increasingly invest in digital assets to add diversity to their
    investment portfolios and resume cryptocurrency mining as it once again
    becomes profitable. 

    Blockchain transformation

    The announcement by Facebook — with 2.7 billion users — that it will be issuing a new cryptocurrency named Libra to
    compete with China’s blockchain-based mobile payment system — with 1.5
    billion users — has put pressure on the largest U.S. financial
    institutions for a quick blockchain transformation. Already, JPMorgan
    Chase has announced that it will be issuing an utility settlement
    cryptocurrency (USC) coin called JPM Coin.
    BNY Mellon, Nasdaq and State Street, on the other hand, are backing the
    development of USCs denominated in five major fiat currencies: the U.S.
    dollar, the Canadian dollar, the British pound, the Japanese yen and
    the euro. 

    Blockchain applications not limited to
    fintech and are being adopted across various industries in the U.S. For
    example, the shipping-focused blockchain TradeLens, developed by IBM
    and Maersk, recruited two major marine cargo carriers to help usher in
    the digital transformation of the global supply chain. Separately, IBM
    piloted a blockchain and internet of things sensor solution to track
    sustainable groundwater usage. Pfizer Inc. and other leading American
    pharmaceutical companies joined a project to build a blockchain network
    for the health and pharmaceutical industries. 

    In the
    aerospace industry, blockchain technology is being implemented in myriad
    ways, including flight recorders, airspace management, cyber security,
    tracking parts during the manufacturing process and in establishing
    secure, efficient and prioritized data as well as command communication
    pathways among ground and space-based sources. In addition, U.S. energy
    companies Brooklyn Microgrid, Clearway Energy Group and Grid are
    developing applications for trading renewable energy credits on a

    These new digital technologies will replace
    many jobs and necessitate a very large consumption of electric energy
    that is currently produced with coal and fossil fuels — which has
    adverse environmental effects, according
    to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization. Cryptocurrency
    mining alone generates about 22 megatons of carbon dioxide emissions
    each year, based on a study by the Technical University of Munich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    A report
    issued by LUT University in Finland and the Energy Watch Group in
    Germany states that transitioning to green energy — 69% solar — can be
    accomplished globally in an economically competitive way in order to
    reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the energy system to zero by 2050.
    Among other important options, solar power satellite (SPS) systems
    remain one of the most promising but is currently a largely undeveloped option to accomplish this goal.

    Solar power satellites 

    Jaffe, an electronics engineer who has investigated SPS systems for the
    U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), explained that “anything we can
    do to wean away from coal and fossil fuels is a step in the right
    direction. Implementing SPS might result in a clean, constant, and
    globally distributable energy supply — unmatched by any earth-bound

    The SPS transmission idea — in which energy
    captured from the sun is transmitted via microwave beams to nearby
    planets from a space station — was first mentioned in a short story in
    1941 titled “Reason” by Russian-born, U.S. science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. 

    In 1968, the concept for SPS technology emerged when aerospace engineer Peter Glaser published the first technical article, “Power from the Sun: Its Future,”
    in the journal Science, in which he described collecting solar power in
    outer space via solar cells on a satellite system at geosynchronous
    orbit, where sunlight is available almost continuously (more than 99.8%
    of the time each year), that would be capable of converting sunlight
    directly into electricity and distributing it to Earth via a wireless
    transmission system to a receiver. 

    There are two
    potentially viable options: laser and microwave beams. According to an
    NRL research report from 2009, SPS systems offer one of several possible
    solutions to the energy independence and dominance of our country and
    our military, but that there remain significant system risks in many
    areas. For example, safe power densities for wireless energy
    transmission generally restrict applications to large, relatively
    immobile receiver sites. Jaffe explained: 

    safety is a concern, wireless power transfer can be implemented to stay
    below existing safety limits. In general, microwave transmission
    requires larger diameter transmitters and receivers than laser.” 

    land-based solar power, which has been inefficient due to the
    atmospheric, day/night light interference, a SPS system could
    continuously harnesses the sun’s energy, working not only when there is
    daylight but also at night, during rain or snow and even on cloudy days —
    24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For these reasons, the concept of SPS
    initially attracted a lot of attention during the 1970s, when NASA
    technical reports indicated that the SPS concept was technically
    feasible but economically unrealistic — and thus, the U.S. government
    and its agencies cut funding for solar cell research during the 1980s.
    According to Jaffe:

    “For space solar to
    work, it will almost certainly need to offer some compelling advantage
    in a given application before it can compete on cost. There are several
    segments involved: launch, manufacture of the space and ground portions,
    and the industries associated with each. The logistics will be

    The International Academy of
    Astronautics completed the first international assessment of SPS during
    2008-2011, involving diverse subject matter experts from some 10
    countries concluding that it is technically feasible and that it might
    be realized in as little as 10-15 years. “Space solar is an enabling
    technology that could leapfrog the electric-power transmission grid on
    Earth, and have a similar effect that previous satellites have had on
    communications,” Jaffe said, but it has yet to electrify U.S.
    terrestrial grids. Instead, ground-based solar energy has been making an
    important contribution of one-sixth to the U.S. energy mix. 

    The world’s largest renewable energy company, Nextera, forecasts
    solar energy costs at $30 to $40 per watt, post 2023. While,
    utility-scale solar farms in India already generate solar energy for
    $0.03-$0.04 a watt according to Greg Nemet, a professor at the
    University of Wisconsin-Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs,
    who has written a new book on global policy and market forces that
    combined to make solar electricity one of the cheapest forms of energy,
    said “It’s possible solar prices could have bottomed out a decade or two
    sooner had the U.S. not slashed funding in the 1980s” — or had the U.S.
    environmental tax policy been more favorable toward solar energy and
    SPS by including it in government incentive programs as opposed to
    heavily subsidizing fossil fuels since the enactment of the U.S. tax
    code in 1873.

    U.S. environmental tax policy

    tax is used as an economic instrument to address environmental problems
    by taxing activities that burden the environment (e.g., a direct carbon
    tax) or by providing incentives to reduce the environmental burden and
    preserve the environmentally friendly activities (e.g., tax credits,
    subsidies). It is used as part of a market-based climate policy that was
    pioneered in the U.S., which also includes cap-and-trade energy
    emission allowance trading programs that attempt to limit emissions by
    putting a cap on and price on them. 

    Environmental taxes
    are designed to internalize environmental costs and provide economic
    incentives for people and businesses to promote ecologically sustainable
    activities, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, to promote green growth
    and to fight climate change via innovation. Some governments make use
    of them to integrate climate and environmental costs into prices to
    reduce excessive emissions while raising revenue to fund vital
    government services. 

    Carbon Tax: Under
    a carbon tax regime, the government sets a price that emitters must pay
    for each ton of greenhouse gas emissions they emit so that businesses
    and consumers will take necessary steps — such as switching fuels or
    adopting new technologies — to reduce their emissions in order to avoid
    paying the tax, as taxes have distortionary effects that influence
    free-market decisions. Carbon taxes are favored because administratively
    assigning a fee to CO2 pollution is relatively simple compared to
    addressing climate change by setting, monitoring and enforcing caps on
    greenhouse gas emissions as well as regulating emissions of the
    energy-generation sector. Four subsets of environmental taxes are
    distinguished: energy taxes, transport taxes, pollution taxes and
    resource taxes. 

    The U.S. is the world’s number two
    in CO2 emission, owing 84% of its greenhouse gas emissions to fossil
    fuels. Currently, it does not impose a federal carbon tax. However, the
    congress in a bi-partisan effort is aiming to introduce a carbon tax in the US. Because, according
    to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
    greater reliance on environmental taxation is needed to strengthen
    global efforts to tackle the principal source of both greenhouse gas
    emissions and air pollution.  

    A carbon price/tax of
    between $50-$100 per ton will be needed to be implemented by 
    signatories to deliver on Paris Agreement commitments by 2030 according
    to a report titled “High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices”, written by Nobel Laureate Economist Joseph Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern.

    Tax Credits:
    Through tax credits, subsidies and other business incentives,
    governments can encourage companies to engage in behaviors and develop
    technologies that can reduce CO2 emissions. Just as tax credits for
    fossil fuel energy sources has enabled growth and development, renewable
    energy tax credits are incentives for the development and deployment of
    renewable energy technologies. 

    According to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) report,
    subsidies to hydrocarbon industry accounted for 85% of global subsidies
    of $4.7 trillion (6.3% of global GDP) in 2015, which were projected at
    $5.2 trillion (6.5% of GDP) in 2017, with the U.S. ranking number two in
    subsidies to the hydrocarbon industry, at $649 billion. In stark
    contrast, during 2016, subsidies for renewable energy totaled $6.7
    billion — dropping 56% from 2013 levels, according to a report
    prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. About 80% (or
    $5.6 billion) of the 2016 renewables subsidies came in the form of tax
    breaks, half of which went to biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel and
    the other half benefited wind and solar in the form of tax credits,
    which are set to expire at the end of 2021, though a permanent 10%
    investment tax credit for solar and geothermal installations will

    According to the IMF as well as the International Energy Agency,
    the elimination of fossil fuel subsidies worldwide would be one of the
    most effective ways of reducing greenhouse gases and battling global


    Increased digital
    technology adoption in the U.S. and around the world, will continue to
    push CO2 emission to its highest levels in history, if the electricity
    used to fuel it is largely produced with hydrocarbon energy. To cut down
    on CO2 emission during the height of the cryptocurrency bull market in
    2017, the use of an SPS system was proposed to electrify crypto currency mining. 

    to clean energy has become inevitable, a survival concern, so much so
    that investment advisors who manage nearly half the world's invested
    capital, of more than $34 trillion in assets are urging the G20 for
    compliance with the Paris Agreement to save the global economy $160
    trillion. Because the alternative, will result in damages of $54

    Nevertheless, switching to solar energy will
    likely necessitate — among other issues — adjustments to the U.S.
    environmental tax policy, which currently heavily favors fossil fuels. 

    Selva Ozelli, Esq.,
    CPA is an international tax attorney and CPA who frequently writes
    about tax, legal and accounting issues for Tax Notes, Bloomberg BNA,
    other publications and the OECD.

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