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    The Strange Case of CCN and the Google June 2019 Core Update

    Here at Cointelegraph, we were as shocked as everyone else in and around the crypto-sphere when we learned about the abrupt closure
    of stalwart crypto media outlet CCN. Established at around the same
    time as Cointelegraph and CoinDesk, CCN spent years competing for the
    crypto audience.

    However, just a couple days later, as many others, we were relieved to hear that CCN was back
    — although we couldn’t help but feel sceptical regarding several
    aspects of the story and puzzled by so many questions swirling around

    How come a key player in our own industry could go down
    overnight — and then come back so conveniently after a few days? How
    could a three-letter-dot-com domain commanding millions of monthly
    visits be so hooked on Google-fed traffic that a single adjustment in
    the search algorithm, albeit a major one, cost it 90% of ad revenue

    What was it, really? A targeted, politically
    motivated character assassination on behalf of the tech giant (as CCN’s
    founder claimed)? An unfortunate alignment of circumstances with no one
    in particular to blame? Possibly a PR stunt, or something else? We felt
    we owed it to the entire industry to take a sober look into this case to
    find out whether something similar could happen to any of us at any
    point in the future.

    What happened to CCN?

    CCN Markets, established
    in 2013 by the Norwegian entrepreneur Jonas Borchgrevink as
    CryptoCoinsNews.com, is currently part of the media company Hawkfish AS,
    which also operates Hacked, a publication that provides analysis on
    “future assets” like cryptocurrencies and tech stocks; MoneyMakers, a
    self-identified “tabloid that produces news with a special focus on
    money”; and HVY.com, a news platform that is designed to promote
    journalists rather than news stories. One of the largest global
    crypto-related news outlets, the majority of traffic
    to ccn.com comes from the U.S. As of early June 2019, the publication
    reportedly employed more than 60 full-time, part-time and freelance

    On June 10, CCN founder Jonas Borchgrevink addressed the readers with an extensive post,
    declaring that the website took a massive blow from Google’s June 2019
    Core Update and saw mobile traffic from Google searches drop by 71%
    overnight, as measured by Sistrix’s Visibility Index (the same graph
    also showed a 53% decline in desktop traffic). This, Borchgrevink
    claimed, resulted in an immediate 90% decrease in ad revenue. He added
    that, although CCN had reached even lower visibility scores on a few
    occasions throughout the past year, the latest dip proved the most
    devastating because of the recent expansion of its team.

    suspected a possible “general crypto crackdown by Google,” citing
    smaller but substantial losses on the same metric allegedly sustained by
    CNN’s competitors — i.e., CoinDesk and Cointelegraph. However,
    regarding Cointelegraph, the data Borchgrevink cites is inaccurate,
    based on conversations with Cointelegraph’s SEO team and public data
    that shows no reversal or even a slowdown around June 10. On the
    contrary, it reveals a steady upward trend in Cointelegraph’s Alexa Rank
    dynamics that is visible since mid-May. According to a Forbes article,
    other prominent publications in the crypto space, such as Coindesk and
    The Block, also reported insignificant effects from Google’s update.

    director went on to discuss other potential reasons for the website’s
    visibility collapse, including Google’s guidelines for additional
    scrutiny applied to “Your Money, Your Life” websites — in other words,
    outlets that provide information related to either health or personal
    finance and are therefore subject to more stringent content quality
    requirements. Borchgrevink then ruled out the possibility of having been
    taken down on the grounds of quality, listing all CCN’s well-deserved
    awards, quality seals, and editorial and business practices that speak
    in favor of the publication’s blue-ribbon status.

    Finally, CCN’s
    boss turned to politics as an explanation for Google’s allegedly
    unfavorable treatment of his website. He noted that, despite being
    pro-free speech and providing a floor for opinions from all over the
    ideological spectrum, CCN has recently featured a lot of specifically
    “Pro-Trump” op-eds, which, he implied, was in line with the
    publication’s “anti-elite, anti-centralization” stance, which Google,
    according to him, allegedly opposed. He also pointed out that, as a
    result of the recent update, some right-leaning British newspapers saw
    their Google traffic decline, while some of their left-leaning
    counterparts enjoyed gains.

    While there are no direct accusations of Google being politically biased in the text, in the accompanying video,
    rather fierce language is abundant: For one, Borchgrevink calls it a
    “fascist corporation” that is trying to censor anyone who “remotely dips
    its toe out of the left-leaning bubble.” This was followed by calls for
    everyone who cares about free speech to wake up and rally against the
    “Googlémocracy” and disrupt the overwhelming corrosive corporate power,
    along with a list of demands for Google.

    The meltdown concluded,
    rather unexpectedly, with a statement of CCN shutting down in the wake
    of revenue losses incurred thanks to Google. Reluctant to downsize the
    team, Borchgrevink announced redeploying everyone to HVY.com.

    What is a Google Core Update?

    Google’s numerous products and services, from Gmail to Chrome, have
    come to dominate their respective market segments, the company’s
    fundamental value proposition lies in fast and relevant search output.
    In response to a query, the search engine uses a complex system of
    proprietary algorithms and filters to furnish the user with lists of web
    pages ranked by relevance, also called search engine results pages

    In order to improve the quality of this output, Google
    introduces hundreds of subtle tweaks to this system every year — of
    which, most are barely noticeable — and sometimes rolls out major
    updates that affect the core algorithm’s functionality. The latter often
    become milestones for entire businesses reliant on Google-generated
    traffic, severely affecting their bottom line for better or worse.

    The Google June 2019 Core Update is the second large-scale adjustment so far this year, and also the first one ever to be announced by the company in advance. The previous update in March focused
    on areas where the so-called EAT factors (i.e., Expertise,
    Authoritativeness, Trust) are deemed the most important, resulting, for
    example, in massive fluctuations in health care-related websites’ search

    In the wake of that update, Google specifically pointed out
    that, while improvements are focused on website content, its quality is
    not a primary criterion, and there is nothing “wrong” with websites
    that took a dip in visibility rankings. At the same time, there is
    nothing that could be done to “fix” such websites. With regard to the
    June update, the precise focus of the adjustment remains unclear, as
    websites from a variety of regions and subject fields found themselves

    As Glen Allsopp, founder of SEO firm Detailed.com, noted to Cointelegraph:

    Google updates could certainly be described as targeting certain
    industries, with an August 2018 update being dubbed ‘Medic’ due to how
    many health sites were impacted. Health and finance sites appear to have
    seen big swings once again, as have quite a lot of news sites. That
    said, this one feels broader to me.”

    There are
    numerous criteria at play when the algorithm determines the rank of a
    particular web page in search output. Perhaps most prominent in the last
    few major updates are the aforementioned YMYL and EAT guidelines that
    prescribe varying quality standards for different categories of
    websites. In addition, Google routinely locates and takes down various
    schemes, which shrewd webmasters employ in order to boost traffic and ad

    This Medium post,
    for instance, describes one such mechanism that large trusted portals
    use to game the algorithm and profit from the additional unrelated
    content on their domains. Cointelegraph’s SEO specialists observed that
    many financial media who took a hit from the June update saw their
    coupon schemes cut.

    Webmaster forum development and CCN’s resurrection

    In response to an inquiry from Forbes’ Benjamin Prius, a Google representative reiterated a statement
    from March 2018 that some websites may experience traffic fluctuations
    due to a core update. Moreover, the boost for the pages that come to
    perform better might stem from the fact that they have been undervalued
    previously. They also pointed to Google webmaster forums as a place to seek advice on issues that arise in the wake of algorithm adjustments.

    in the original post, CCN’s director reported seeking guidance from the
    webmaster community but said that their theories explaining the CCN
    situation did not “appear to be entirely accurate.” Meanwhile, one of
    the considerations that emerged in that thread
    around the time of the closure announcement could well be the key to
    understanding what happened to CCN’s search visibility. Some of the
    community members noticed that pages from the old domain,
    cryptocoinsnews.com, resurfaced in search output, redirecting to the
    current CCN home page — a behavior that one of the webmasters called “a sure fire way to confuse search engines.”

    Two days after the closure announcement, Borchgrevink followed up with yet another statement
    in which he acknowledged the glitch of the old domain showing up in
    search results — even in search results for recent CCN articles. He also
    sounded less convinced that the core update was the root of the evil:

    or not the Google June 2019 Core Update is to blame, we are fixing it.
    [...] There’s still a good chance that this won’t correct our visibility
    on Google overnight, but I’m hopeful we are on the right path to
    figuring it out.”

    And then, even more abruptly than the announcement of CCN shutting down, the announcement of CCN coming back arrived:

     “Enough said. CCN.com is back.”

    Versions and reactions

    Granted, CCN’s own core readership was
    deeply saddened by the news of CCN’s demise and rejoiced when it was
    reversed. Some crypto blogs subscribed
    to the “evil Google” narrative unconditionally; others tried to test
    their own hypotheses as to what the search engine update could mean for
    the industry. One of them, Inside Trade, ran an experiment
    to assess whether the improved algorithm favored websites on Google’s
    own Adsense network, which yielded mixed results obtained from a tiny

    Some of the crypto industry’s experts, though, did not
    find Borchgrevink’s account of the events all that compelling. “What
    Bitcoin Did” podcast host Peter McCormack tweeted:

    I suspect the closure of CCN is more than just down to a change in the Google algorithm. If the rollout was June 3rd and the decision was a week later, I assume they had bigger problems.

    46 people are talking about this

    Elad Mor, CEO of MarketAcross and co-founder at InboundJunction — a
    content marketing, SEO & PR agency for startups — told Cointelegraph
    that the Google search algorithm might indeed be a headache for
    publishers, but in this case, it was likely not the only factor:

    updates can be vicious. We've seen businesses go from hero to zero
    after massive Google algorithm updates. ‘Notorious’ updates such as
    Google ‘Panda’ or ‘Penguin’ have left scorched territories behind them
    and were real game-changers for SEOs and publishers relying on organic

    “We've been working with CCN's news department for a
    while, their attitude of straight shooting investigative journalism and
    compromised quality makes me think that this "penalty" is a very
    technical one and could be sorted by working closely with Google support
    and adhering to their strict guidelines. There might also be more to
    the story, since a big website like CCN doesn't close overnight or
    changes its decision the day after.”

    Trey Ditto, CEO
    of Ditto PR, a full-service communications firm with crypto and
    blockchain practice, suspects that more systemic determinants could be
    at play:

    “The media landscape in crypto is shrinking.
    Either media outlets need to step up to fill the void, or crypto and
    blockchain projects need to recognize that getting media coverage is a
    tactic and not a strategy. Most people I’ve talked to don’t seem to be
    buying the narrative that Google is at fault for CCN’s shutdown. A more
    logical explanation is that a lot of crypto media outlets are struggling
    to adapt and mature with the market. If you have a high burn rate or
    lack a way to monetize outside of ads, you won’t last through the
    remainder of crypto winter. The same goes for crypto projects: Evolve
    quickly or die off.”

    So, it may appear that at least
    one of the immediate reasons behind the CCN’s search visibility nosedive
    was in fact not triggered by the Google June 2019 Core Update, but
    merely coincided with it. From conversations with Cointelegraph’s SEO
    team, it emerged that the old domain’s sudden comeback was likely
    prompted by its 301 redirect — a tool used to establish a permanent
    redirect from one URL to another — breaking down, which resulted in old
    pages appearing in the search index again. As two sets of pages with
    identical content surfaced, Google’s algorithm identified them as a
    dishonest attempt at gaining visibility and began lowering their ranking

    Not all SEO professionals subscribe to this view.
    Glen Allsopp observed to Cointelegraph that the redirect seems to be in
    place still:

    “This is not common, unless the old
    domain is resurrected in some form, which doesn't appear to have been
    the case for CCN and their previous domain, cryptocoinsnews.com. You can
    check Archive.org and all June mentions show their domain redirect
    still in place. I saw the comments regarding their old domain now
    ranking in search results but two premium third-party analysis tools I
    use - Ahrefs and Sistrix - both fail to show any search visibility at
    all for their old domain name. They may have missed it, but I would be
    very surprised by that”

    The confusion around what has
    really happened to CCN’s traffic, of course, does not mean that
    Google’s enormous and unchecked power over online search, advertising
    and publishing industries is not a pressing issue — or that online
    journalism’s dominant ad-based business model is not flawed.

    Acquisition attempt

    after the news of CCN’s shutdown hit the press, unverified claims of
    the publication’s attempted acquisition began to circulate online. The
    alleged benefactor was also specified: Stankevicius MGM, a global PR and
    advertising firm headquartered in the UAE. If the validity of these
    talks is not unfounded, the timing of the events would be crucial to
    understand whether the attempted deal had any influence on the general
    plot line.

    Roma Stankeviciene, Stankevicius MGM’s executive vice
    president, confirmed that the negotiations did indeed take place. In
    fact, it turns out that CCN received more than one offer in between
    shutting down and coming back:

    “CCN CEO’s message was
    quite convincing, so yes, our CEO approached them to discuss whether a
    sale or an M&A. We were willing to offer 7 digits net for the media
    site. We didn’t keep this as a secret, and told colleagues and business
    contacts about our interest in CCN, and so the talks spread.

    noticed once our story hit the news, another media company decided to
    make an offer as well, and it was kind of a copycat move in a way
    because we actually approached the CCN first right after their
    announcement and we were serious about it, and having another company
    drop into the deal with a new offer only make things complicated.

    later we heard that CCN was not selling anymore as they got their
    traffic back from Google. It’s unfortunate, we would have done something
    great with the site.”

    The statement therefore
    suggests that the acquisition negotiations did not prompt the shutdown.
    If anything, they could only trigger CCN’s decision to go back up
    defiantly. Meanwhile, Stankevicius MGM executives remained unconvinced
    by the publication’s own version of the story:

    claimed that they lost traffic, still even if they lost it, they had
    more than enough traffic and brand awareness to keep the business going.
    [...] We still think internally that their announcement was not true.”

    Amid all the uncertainty, InboundJunction’s Mor aptly summarized:

    “Whatever the reason is, we're happy they are still in the game.”

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